Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Regulatory Impact Analysis)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Air quality modeling for HD 2027 proposal : draft technical support document (TSD) / 2022
Air quality modeling platform for the ozone National Ambient Air Quality Standard final rule regulatory impact analysis. 2008
An SAB report : review of MMSOILS component of the proposed RIA for the RCRA corrective action rule : review of the OSWER & ORD draft documentation and user's manual and RIA of the MMSOILS multimedia contaminant, fate, transport, and exposure model / 1993
Analysis of potential trade-offs in regulation of disinfection by-products. 1992
Application of Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions to Newly-identified Mineral Processing Wastes; Regulatory Impact Analysis. 1998
Application of the Phase IV Land Disposal Restrictions to Contaminated Media: Costs, Cost Savings, and Economic Impacts. 1998
Assessment of Compliance Costs Resulting from Implementation of the Proposed Great Lakes Water Quality Initiative Guidance (for Microcomputers). 1993
Background document for the CESQG rule. 1995
Background document toxicity characteristic regulatory impact analysis. {microfiche} 1990
Control of air pollution from motor vehicles : Tier 3 motor vehicle emission and fuel standards final rule ; regulatory impact analysis. 2014
Control of air pollution from new motor vehicles : heavy-duty engine and vehicle standards regulatory impact analysis / 2022
Cost and economic impact analysis of the CESQG rulemaking. 1996
Cost and economic impact analysis of the proposed CESQG rule. 1995
Costs and benefits of reducing lead in gasoline : final regulatory impact analysis. 1985
Draft regulatory impact analysis : control of emissions from nonroad diesel engines / 2003
Draft regulatory impact analysis : proposed refueling emission regulations-fueled motor vehicles / 1987
Draft regulatory impact analysis : RFS annual rules / 2021
Draft regulatory impact analysis : RFS standards for 2023-2025 and other changes / 2022
Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis: Control of Air Pollution Emission Standards for New Nonroad Spark-Ignition Marine Engines. 1994
Economic analysis of proposed effluent limitations guidelines and standards for the transportation equipment cleaning industry point source category. 1998
Economic assessment for proposed pretreatment standards for existing and new sources for the industrial laundries point source category : final report / 1997
Economic impact analysis for proposed emission standards and guidelines for municipal waste combusters. 1994
Economic impact analysis for the final secondary aluminum production national emission standard for hazardous air pollutants. 1999
Economic impact analysis of final coke ovens NESHAP / 2002
Economic impact and regulatory flexibility analyses of the final architectural coatings VOC rule. 1998
Final ozone NAAQS regulatory impact analysis. 2008
Final regulatory impact analysis (RIA) for the SO2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS). 2010
Final regulatory impact analysis : control of emissions from nonroad diesel engines / 2004
Final regulatory impact analysis : control of emissions from nonroad diesel engines. 1998
Final regulatory impact analysis : phase 2 final rule, emission standards for new nonroad handheld spark-ignition engines at or below 19 kilowatts. 2000
Final regulatory impact analysis, 40 CFR part 191 : environmental standards for the management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes. 1985
Final rulemaking to establish greenhouse gas emissions standards and fuel efficiency standards for medium- and heavy-duty engines and vehicles : regulatory impact analysis. 2011
Great Lakes Water Quality Guidance Implementation Procedures Compliance Cost Study Technical Background Document (for Microcomputers). 1993
Greenhouse gas emissions and fuel efficiency standards for medium- and heavy-duty engines and vehicles - phase 2 : regulatory impact analysis / 2016
Greenhouse gas emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles : Phase 3 - Draft regulatory impact analysis. / 2023
Greenhouse gas emissions standards for heavy-duty vehicles : Phase 3 - Regulatory impact analysis. / 2023
Hospital/medical/infectious waste incinerators : background information for promulgated standards and guidelines - regulatory impact analysis for new and existing facilities / 1997
Improving RIAs (Regulatory Impact Analyses): Suggestions for the Analysis of Hazardous Waste Regulations. 1987
Improving RIAs (Regulatory Impact Analyses): Suggestions for the Analysis of Hazardous Waste Regulations. Executive Summary. 1987
Indexing of long-term effectiveness of waste containment systems for a regulatory impact analysis : draft. 1993
Information collection request for the Great Lakes water quality guidance. 1995
Medical waste incinerators ; background information for proposed standards and guidelines : regulatory impact analysis for new and existing facilities. 1994
Performance evaluation of full-scale hazardous waste incinerators : volume 1. Executive summary / 1984
Performance evaluation of full-scale hazardous waste incinerators : volume 2. Incinerator performance results / 1984
Performance evaluation of full-scale hazardous waste incinerators : volume 3. Appendices A and B / 1984
Performance evaluation of full-scale hazardous waste incinerators : volume 4. Appendices C and J / 1984
Performance evaluation of full-scale hazardous waste incinerators : volume 5. Appendices K and L / 1984
Potential benefits of effluent limitation guidelines for coastal oil and gas facilities in Cook Inlet, Alaska : final report / 1995
Prototype Tool for Evaluating the Cost and Effectiveness of Greenhouse Gas Mitigation Technologies. 1999
Regulatory impact analysis (RIA) for existing stationary compression ignition engines NESHAP / 2010
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