Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
(Z)-9-tricosene (Muscalure) Final Work Plan: Registration Review Case 4112. Docket Number: EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0925. 2010
Alachlor : position document. 1987
Aldicarb, position document 1. 1984
Aldicarb: {microform} position document 2/3. Preliminary determination to cancel registrations of Aldicarb products and availabity of technical support document; notice. 1988
An environmental management systems (EMS) handbook for wastewater utilities. 2004
Annual report for ... / 0
Annual report for 1994 / 1995
Benefit-Cost System for Chemical Pesticides. 1975
Biennial report : fiscal year 1998 and 1999 / 1999
Biochemicals Test Guidelines. OPPTS 880.1100 Product Identity and Composition. 1996
Cadmium : position document 4. 1986
Cadmium : special review document. 1991
Captan: Position Document 4. Intent to Cancel Registrations; Conclusion of Special Review; Notice of Final Determination. 1989
Catalog of OPP publications and other information media 1995
Chemicals Registered for the First Time as Pesticidal Active Ingredients under FIFRA. 1994
Chlordecone (Kepone) : position document 4. 1976
Cinnamaldehyde Final Work Plan: Registration Review Case 6032. Docket Number EPA-HQ-OPP-2010-0918. 2010
Compound 1081: {microform} decision document (pesticide products containing fluoracetamide). Notice of determination concerning the rebuttable presumption against registration. 1980
Comprehensive data handling system, emissions inventory/permits and registration subsystem (EIS/P & R) program documentation and users guide. 1975
Coumaphos facts / 2000
Creosote, Pentachlorophenol, and Inorganic Arsenicals; Amendment of Notice of Intent to Cancel Registrations. 1986
Customer Service in Region 5. 1997
Cyanazine: {microform} position document 4. Notice of final determination and intent to cancel. 1988
Diazinon : position document 1/2/3. Notice of special review and preliminary determination to cancel registration and deny aplications for certain uses of diazinon ; notice of availability of support document. 1990
Diazinon: position document 4. {microform} Intent to cancel registrations of denial of applications for registration of pesticide products containing diazinon; conclusion of special review. 1986
Dicofol : position document 4. Intent to cancel registrations of pesticide products containing dicofol ; denial of applications for registration of pesticide products containing dicofol conclusion of special review ; notice of final determination. 1986
Dicofol position document 2/3. 1984
EIIP Volume 4: Mobile Sources Preferred and Alternative Methods. 1997
Engineering Reference Manual for Coding NEDS (National Emissions Data System) and EIS/P and R (Emission Inventory Subsystem/Permits and Registration) Forms. 1980
Environmental management systems : an implementation guide for small and medium-sized organizations / 1996
EPA Fiscal Year 2007 and 2006 Financial Statements for the Pesticide Registration Fund. Audit Report. 2008
EPA Office of Pesticide Programs status report and action guide / 1976
EPA Pesticide Fact Sheet: 'Bacillus Thuringiensis' Cry3Bbl Protein and Genetic Material Necessary for its Production (Vector ZMIR13L) in Event MON863 Corn. 2002
EPA Pesticide Fact Sheet: 'Bacillus Thuringiensis' Cry3Bbl Protein and the Genetic Material Necessary for its Production (Vector ZMIR13L) in Event MON863 Corn. Update May 2005. 2005
EPA's Pesticide Program, FY 2005 Annual Report. 2006
Fact Sheet: Labeling Alert, Number 1, July 1996 1996
Fiscal 2005 and 2004 (Restated) Financial Statements for the Pesticide Registration Fund. 2007
For Your Information: Consumer Products Treated with Pesticides 1998
Fosetyl-Al (Aliette) : pesticide registration standard {microform}. 1983
General information on applying for registration of pesticides in the United States. 1992
General Information on Applying for Registration of Pesticides in the United States. 1989
General Information on Applying for Registration of Pesticides in the United States. Second Edition (for Microcomputers). 1992
German cockroach : pheromone. 1996
Global Look at Hazardous Wastes. 1988
Guidance for the Reregistration of Manufacturing-Use and Certain End-Use Pesticide Products Containing Barium Metaborate (011101) as the Active Ingredient. 1983
Guidance for the Reregistration of Manufacturing-Use and Certain End-Use Pesticide Products Containing Monuron-TCA (035502) as the Active Ingredient. 1983
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing 2,4-dichloro-phenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) and its salts, amines and esters as the active ingredient : CAS registry no. 94-75-7, OPP chemical code 030001 (acid), EPA case number -- GS-0073. 1988
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing acephate as the active ingredient. 1987
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing allethrin stereoisomers as the active ingredient. 1988
Guidance for the reregistration of pesticide products containing anilazine as the active ingredient. 1983
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