Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Region 10)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1984 Environmental management report update 1984
Air quality modeling analysis of industrial point sources in Everett, Washington / 1988
Air toxics technical assistance for the State of Alaska : final report / 1987
Air Tribal Strategic Plan. U.S. EPA Region 10. Office of Air, Waste and Toxics. 2009
Alaska Federal/State Preparedness Plan for Response to Oil and Hazardous Substance Discharges/Releases (Unified Plan - Volume 1). 1993
Analysis of the toxics release inventory data, EPA Region 10 1990
Bake-out of a portion of a new high-rise office building 1991
Bench scale fixation of soils from the Tacoma Tar Pits Superfund site : final report / 1989
Biosolids Management Handbook for Small to Medium Size POTWs US EPA Regions VIII and X, August 5, 1993, Grand Junction CO 1993
Biosolids Management Handbook for Small to Medium Size POTWs US EPA Regions VIII and X, September 22, 1993 1993
Characteristics of successful riparian restoration projects in the Pacific Northwest / 1991
Chemical contamination of harbor seal pups in Puget Sound 1991
Comprehensive Hazardous Waste Management: An Achievable Goal. 1987
Contaminant transport from Elliott and Commencement bays 1988
Dioxin and furan concentrations in Puget Sound crabs / 1991
Economic Growth Analysis System (E-GAS) for EPA Regions 8 and 10 - Rocky Mountain (for Microcomputers). 1994
Economic Growth Analysis System (E-GAS) for EPA Regions 8 and 9 - Rocky Mountain (for Microcomputers). 1995
Economic Growth Analysis System (E-GAS) for EPA Regions VIII and X - Rocky Mountain and North West (for Microcomputers). 1993
Effectiveness of agricultural and silvicultural nonpoint source controls : final report / 1988
Effects of glean, a sulfonylurea herbicide on the reporductive biology and fruit set in cherry trees / 1992
Enforcement in the 80's: Compliance with Environmental Laws. 1985
Environmental guidance for very small communities / 1992
Environmental management report. 1983
Environmental Quality Profile 1976. Technical Supplement: Idaho. 1976
Environmental Quality Profile 1976. Technical Supplement: Washington. 1976
EPA Region 10 in-stream biological monitoring handbook for wadable streams in the Pacific Northwest / 1993
EPA Region 10 supplemental ecological risk assessment guidance for Superfund / 1997
EPA Superfund Records of Decision (RODS) for Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. 1999
EPA Superfund Records of Decision (RODS) for Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. 1998
EPA Superfund Records of Decision (RODS) for Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. 2001
EPA Superfund Records of Decision (RODS) for Region 10: Alaska, Idaho, Oregon, and Washington. 1997
Field sampler training course manual. 1986
Final guidelines : drinking water infrastructure grants : tribal set-aside program : EPA Region 10. 1999
Guidance on preparation of laboratory quality assurance plans. 1991
Information Systems Inventory (ISI). 1989
Interim final guidance : developing risk-based cleanup levels at Resource Conservation and Recovery Act sites in Region 10 / 1998
Interim final guidelines for developing risk-based cleanup levels at RCRA sites in Region 10 / 1992
Measuring the effectiveness of small business assistance programs : measurement tools and needs in Region 10 and selected additional states : final report on Task 3.1 / 1996
Model pollution prevention plan for the Kraft segment of the pulp and paper industry / 1992
Municipal solid waste needs assessment final report. 1989
National Environmental/Energy Workforce Assessment. Region X. 1977
No Further Remedial Action Planned (NFRAP) Sites on CERCLIS for Region 10: Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Idaho. 1995
Northwest Area Contingency Plan 1998 (Also Serving as the Region Ten Regional Contingency Plan). 1998
Northwest Area Contingency Plan for Region X. 1993
Notification of Hazardous Waste Sites Required Under Section 103(c) of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) of 1980: EPA Region 10. 1982
Oil tanker waste disposal practices a review / 1992
Permit Compliance System (PCS) Current Effluent Limits File EPA Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA) (for Microcomputers). 1995
Permit Compliance System (PCS) Current Effluent Limits File EPA Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA) (for Microcomputers). 1995
Permit Compliance System (PCS) Facility Address and Permit File EPA Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA) (for Microcomputers). 1995
Permit Compliance System (PCS) Facility Address and Permit File EPA Region 10 (AK, ID, OR, WA) (for Microcomputers). 1996
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