Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 21
Showing: Items 1 - 21

Select Item Title Year Published
"Don't waste waste" : overview packet, solid waste problems and solutions. 1976
A resource guide of solid waste educational materials. 1998
Changing waste in changing times : solid waste and natural resource issues in rural Alaska : a teacher's guide / 1994
Curriculum activities guide to solid waste and environmental studies 1973
Desperdicios peligrosos, limpieza y prevencion / 2001
Environmental education activity kit / 1990
Household hazardous waste management training manual / 1993
Immobilization technology seminar : speaker slide copies and supporting information. 1989
Instructor's manual training manual for solid waste collectors / 1973
Let's put waste in place : learning kit, student guide / 1989
Michigan WISE / 1988
No waste anthology : a teacher's guide to environmental activities K-12 / 1991
Pathways to a sustainable future : a curriculum guide for Maine schools exploring waste management issues / 1994
Recycle today : educational materials for grades K-12 / 1990
Reuse + recycling = waste reduction : a guide for schools & groups. 2003
Superfund Enforcement Speaker's Kit / 1994
Superfund enforcement speaker's kit / 1991
Superfund enforcement speaker's kit / 1993
The Rotten truth. 1990
Training and technical assistance directory for tribal solid waste managers. 1999
Why teach trash?. 1990

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