Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11

Select Item Title Year Published
"Incineration 2000" : a joint study of impacts of a sludge disposal alternative to ocean dumping in the New York-New Jersey Metropolitan Region / 1990
Fat of the land : garbage in New York : the last two hundred years / 2000
Garbage land : on the secret trail of trash / 2005
Leachate damage assessment : case study of the Sayville Solid Waste Disposal Site in Islip [Long Island], New York / 1976
New York City--a major source of marine sediment 1969
New York solid waste management plan : status report 1970 / 1971
Productivity gains from diversifying the sanitation truck fleet in New York City. 1978
Results of Source Emissions Characterization at the Hempstead, NY Refuse Energy Recovery System / 1980
Solid waste blueprint for New York State 1988
Summary report on the low-level radioactive waste burial site, West Valley, New York (1963-1975) 1976
Syracuse, New York, public housing : 20% waste reduction rate at Toomey Abbott Tower. 1999

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