Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 40
Showing: Items 1 - 40

Select Item Title Year Published
Accession bulletin. Solid waste information retrieval system. 1970
Bibliography of aquatic ecosystems effects, analytical methods and treatment technologies for organic compounds in advanced fossil-fuel processing effluents / 1980
Bibliography of municipal solid waste management alternatives. 1989
Composting of municipal and sewage wastes (Jan 70-May 90) citations from the COMPENDEX Database. 1990
Current awareness of translations. 1973
Environmental information resources for state and local elected officials : solid waste. 1977
Hospital solid waste : an annotated bibliography / 1974
Library holdings--nonperiodical, Federal Solid Waste Management Program, November 1972 / 1974
Publications on solid waste management in Indian country. 1998
Publishing by EPA's Office of Solid Waste, fiscal years, 1968-1978. 1978
Publishing by the Office of Solid Waste, in fiscal years 1968-1977. 1978
Selected resources for pollution prevention in the health care industry / 2007
Siting solid waste facilities : a bibliography / 1978
Solid Waste Information Clearinghouse list of literature 1991
Solid waste management : a list of available literature / 1971
Solid waste management : a list of available literature. 1972
Solid waste management : a list of available literature. 1972
Solid waste management : abstracts from the literature, 1966 / 1972
Solid waste management : abstracts from the literature, 1974-1978 : hazardous waste / 1979
Solid waste management : available information materials / 1974
Solid waste management : available information materials / 1975
Solid waste management : available information materials / 1973
Solid waste management : available information materials / 1975
Solid waste management : available information materials / 1973
Solid waste management : available information materials / 1973
Solid waste management : available information materials / 1975
Solid waste management : available information materials : interim catalog / 1978
Solid waste management report; available information materials. 1973
Solid waste management: a list of available literature. 1972
Solid waste management: a list of available literature. 1972
Solid waste management: a list of available literature. 1971
Solid waste management: abstracts from the literature. 0
Solid waste management: available information materials : total listing, 1966-1976 / 1976
Solid waste management; a list of available literature. 1970
Solid waste management; abstracts and excerpts from the literature. 1969
Solid waste management; abstracts from the literature, 1968. 1972
Solid waste management; available information materials. 1974
Source reduction bibliography. 1995
The Solid Waste Information Clearinghouse list of literature / 1991
Wastes and their treatment information sources and bibliography = Les dechets et leur traitement : sources d'information et bibliographie = Los residuos y su tratamiento : fuentes de informacion y bibliografia / 1986

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