Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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11th International Coral Reef Symposium : Fort Lauderdale, Florida, USA, July 7-11, 2008. 2008
A Coral Reef Symposium on Practical, Reliable, Low Cost Monitoring Methods for Assessing the Biota and Habitat Conditions of Coral Reefs, January 26-27, 1995, Annapolis, Maryland / 1996
A field guide to coral reefs of the Caribbean and Florida : a guide to the common invertebrates and fishes of Bermuda, the Bahamas, southern Florida, the West Indies, and the Caribbean coast of Central and South America / 1982
A reef manager's guide to coral bleaching / 2006
Advances in marine environmental research : proceedings of a symposium / 1979
Aquatic reef habitat plan agreement committment 1994 / 1994
Aquatic Reef Habitat Plan. 1994
Arrecifes de coral : una colleccion de actividades en Espanol para estudiantes de escuela intermedia / 1997
Artificial Reef Project : Interim Report / 1990
Artificial reefs a handbook for the Eastern Caribbean / 1983
Artificial reefs in Florida : proceedings of a conference held June 10 and 11, 1977, at the Bayboro Campus, University of South Florida, St. Petersburg, Florida / 1978
Atlas of artificial reefs in Florida 1997
Benthic habitats of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands / 2001
Biological impact caused by changes on a tropical reef / 1976
Biological populations as indicators of environmental change. 1992
Biology and geology of coral reefs. 1973
Charting a Course toward Diagnostic Monitoring: A Continuing Review of Coral Reef Attributes and a Research Strategy for Creating Coral Reef Indexes of Biotic Integrity. 2000
Chesapeake Bay living resources 1995-96 : living resources subcommittee biennial report / 1997
Climate Change and Coral Reefs : Sea Ecosystems at Risk / 2001
Climate change and interacting stressors : implications for coral reef management in American Samoa / 2007
Climate change and interacting stressors: implications for coral reef management in American Samoa 2007
Coal-waste artificial reef program / 1986
Coal-waste artificial reef program / 1985
Coal-waste artificial reef program / 1986
Cold-water corals : the biology and geology of deep-sea coral habitats / 2009
Comparative efficacy of artificial and natural Gulf of Mexico reefs as fish attractants 1979
Conceptual Model of the Galveston Bay Ecosystem. 1993
Construction of artificial reefs in the Atlantic Ocean off Cape Henry, Virginia : final environmental statement. 1972
Coral Reef and Coastal Ecosystems Decision Support Workshop, April 27-29, 2010, Caribbean Coral Reef Institute, La Parguera, Puerto Rico / 2015
Coral reef monitoring manual for the Caribbean and Western Atlantic 1994
Coral reef restoration handbook / 2006
Coral reefs & global climate change : potential contributions of climate change to stresses on coral reef ecosystems / 2004
Coral reefs : an English compilation of activities for middle school students / 1997
Coral reefs : journal of the International Society for Reef Studies. 1982
Coral reefs and climate change : science and management / 2006
Coral reefs and your coastal watershed. 1998
Coral reefs of the southern Gulf of Mexico / 2007
Coral reefs of the USA / 2008
Coral reefs valuable but vulnerable / 1992
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 1. 1996
Current Status and Historical Trends of the Estuarine Living Resources within the Corpus Christi Bay National Estuary Program Study Area. Volume 3. Project Summary. 1996
Deep-water coral reefs : unique biodiversity hot-spots / 2008
Development of Biological Criteria for Coral Reef Ecosystem Assessment. 2005
Diagenesis of Niagaran (Middle Silurian) pinnacle reefs, Northwest Michigan / 1984
Draft national guidance : best management practices for preparing vessels intended to create artificial reefs / 2004
Ecological effects of offshore construction 1972
Ecological impacts of sewage discharges on coral reef communities / 1983
Ecology, resource rehabilitation, and fungal parasitology of commercial oysters, Crassostrea virginica (Gmelin), in Pensacola Estuary, Florida / 1976
Economic impacts of artificial reefs for six southwest Florida counties / 2011
Effect of Eight Outer Continental Shelf Drilling Muds on the Calcification Rate and Free Amino Acid Pool of the Coral 'Acropora cervicornis'. 1984
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