Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Redevelopment)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Advancing Linkages Between Brownfields Redevelopment and Greenfields Protection in Michigan: A Policy Roundtable. Held in East Lansing, Michigan on January 23, 2003. 2003
Air and water quality impacts of brownfields redevelopment a study of five communities. [electronic resource] : 2011
An analysis of composting as an environmental remediation technology. 1998
Assessing contractor capabilities for streamlined site investigations. 2000
Bright Breathing Edges of City Life. Planning for Amenity Benefits of Urban Water Resources. 1971
Brownfields economic redevelopment initiative : proposal guidelines for brownfields assessment demonstration pilots. 1998
Brownfields economic redevelopment initiative : proposal guidelines for Brownfields Cleanup Revolving Loan Fund. 2000
Brownfields Economic Revevelopment Initative: Proposal Guidelines for Brownfields Job Training and Development Demonstration Pilots. 1998
Brownfields Federal Partnership Action Agenda. Progress Report. 2004
Brownfields law and practice : the cleanup and redevelopment of contaminated land / 1998
Brownfields road map to understanding options for site investigation and cleanup. 2012
Brownfields technology primer : requesting and evaluating proposals that encourage innovative technologies for investigation and cleanup. 2001
Building on the past, traveling to the future : a preservationist's guide to the ISTEA transportation enhancement provision / 1995
California land use and planning law 1993
CERCLIS Archive Sites (EPA List 8T Report) (for Microcomputers). 1996
Charting the course for rebuilding a great American city : an assessment of the planning function in post-Katrina New Orleans / 2005
City rules : how regulations affect urban form / 2012
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends : 1996 edition : executive summary. 1997
Cleaning up the nation's waste sites : markets and technology trends. 1997
Cleanup and Reuse of Brownfields: Key Issues and Policy Choices. 1997
Climate Smart Brownfields Manual. 2016
Competitive Brownfield Redevelopment Project Management and Market Strategies (on CD-ROM). 2003
Compost : new applications for an age-old technology / 1997
Concurrency analysis : Bothell comprehensive plan amendments / 2002
Curtin's California land use and planning law / 2002
Curtin's California land use and planning law / 2010
Curtin's California land use and planning law. 1997
Directory of technology support services to brownfields localities / 1999
Draft cleanup action plan for contaminated sediments in the Lockheed Aquatic Area : Elliott Bay and Duwamish Estuary Seattle, Washington : technical appendix B-2 (companion document to the Lockheed aquatic area RI/FS and Southwest Harbor Project draft EIS) / 1994
Ecological Revitalization: Turning Contaminated Properties Into Community Assets. 2009
Effect of Superfund on Involuntary Acquisitions of Contaminated Property by Government Entities. 1995
Element consolidation streamlining local general plans. 1988
Employment Effects of Brownfield Redevelopment: What Do We Know from the Literature. 2007
Environmental justice, urban revitalization, and brownfields : the search for authentic signs of hope. 1996
Environmental risk assessment/communication tools for revitalization of potentially contaminated sites CD : a workshop of the U.S.-German Bilateral Working Group, Portland, Oregon, Oct. 23-24, 2003 / 2004
Financing Brownfields: State Program Highlights. 2008
From sprawl to sustainability : smart growth, new urbanism, green development, and renewable energy / 2010
Growth at the ballot box : electing the shape of communities in November 2000 / 2001
Guidance on settlements with prospective purchasers of contaminated property 2000
Improving air quality : through land use activity / 2001
Integrating the '3 Rs': Remediation, Restoration and Redevelopment. The Milltown Reservoir Sediments Site and Missoula County, Montana. 2011
Introduction to : Superfund administrative improvements/reforms. 1998
Introduction to Brownfields economic redevelopment initiative and environmental justice. 1998
Land use in a nutshell 1985
Legal foundations of land use planning : text/casebook and materials on planning law 1979
Legal study relating to coal development : population issues / 1974
Legislative summary : bills affecting local government, planning, land use, natural resources, and housing. 0
Managing our urban environment; cases, text & problems 1971
Mine site cleanup for brownfields redevelopment : a three-part primer / 2005
National City, California: Recommendations for Ranking Properties with Nonconforming Uses in the Westside Specific Plan Area. Partnership for Sustainable Communities. 2011
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