Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Recycling)

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Select Item Title Year Published
"Co-disposal" for solid wastes and sewage sludge / 1977
"Don't waste waste" : overview packet, solid waste problems and solutions. 1976
1,1,1- Trichloroethane reduction alternatives : 1987 summer intern report / 1987
10 easy ways to buy recycled : : a smart shopper's guide to closing the loop / 1997
100 years of recycling history; from Yankee tincart peddlers to Wall Street scrap giants, 1974
1986 national screening survey of hazardous waste treatment, storage, disposal, and recycling facilities / 1988
1989 Washington State recycling survey. 1990
1991 recycling rate and market research : final report / 1993
1991 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1993
1992 market development directory a publication / 1992
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release : executive summary. 1995
1993 toxics release inventory : public data release. 1995
1996 toxic release inventory : data quality report. 1998
1996 toxics release inventory : public data release - 10 years of right-to-know : industry sector analyses / 1998
2002 toxics release inventory (TRI) : public data release report / 2004
2011 Evaluation of the Oregon Paint Stewardship Program : Promoting Environmental Results Through Evaluation / 2011
50 simple things you can do to save the earth / 1989
50 ways to make your world a better place / 1990
57 ways to protect your home environment (and yourself) / 1996
8th National Recycling Congress : recycling '89 and beyond, the annual conference of the National Recycling Coalition. 1989
A Citizen's guide to solvent extraction. 1992
A Collection of solid waste resources / 2003
A collection of solid waste resources / 2005
A collection of solid waste resources / 1998
A collection of solid waste resources / 1999
A collection of solid waste resources / 2008
A collection of solid waste resources [electronic resource] / 2000
A Collection of solid waste resources [electronic resource]. 2004
A collection of solid waste resources. 0
A collection of solid waste resources. 2004
A Complete disposal-recycle scheme for agricultural solid wastes / 1977
A curriculum guide for recycling education : grades K through 6 / 1990
A fluid sorbent recycling device for industrial fluid users : project summary / 1993
A Guide for methane mitigation projects : gas-to-energy at landfills and open dumps / 1996
A laboratory study to investigate gaseous emissions and solids decomposition during composting of municipal solid wastes [electronic resource] / 2003
A national survey of separate collection programs / 1979
A nationwide survey of resource recovery activities / 1975
A new chapter for recycling : using geographic information systems (GIS) to improve the market development and transportation of recycled materials / 1994
A New England recycling directory / 1979
A New England recycling directory. 1977
A preliminary handbook on the potential of recycling or recovery of industrial hazardous wastes in New York State : for New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation. 1982
A prototype mobile system for pyrolysis of agricultural and/or silvicultural wastes / 1979
A Recirculating waste system for swine units / 1971
A recycled-water sanitary waste disposal system / 1978
A resource guide of solid waste educational materials. 1998
A Risk assessment of waste oil burning in boilers & space heaters : final report. 1984
A study of Federal subsidies to stimulate resource recovery / 1974
A study of the feasibility of utilizing solid wastes for building materials : phase III and IV summary reports / 1978
A study of the use of recycled paving material / 1993
A study of the use of recycled paving material : report to Congress : as specified in the Intermodal Surface Transportation Efficiency Act of 1991, Section 1038(b) / 1993
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