Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
10 steps to improving your file room. 1992
100 Commonly Asked Questions About the New AHERA (Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act) Asbestos-in-Schools Rule. 1988
7 steps for legal holds of ESI and other documents / 2009
A Compendium of Superfund field operations methods. 1988
A compendium of superfund field operations methods. 1987
A Federal records management glossary 1993. 1993
A Guide to performing reinspections under the Asbestos Hazard Emergency Response Act (AHERA). 1992
A practical guide to developing records disposition schedules. 1994
A practical guide to personal papers. 1992
A report of the Commission on Federal Paperwork : environmental impact statements. 1977
Access EPA (Rainbow Book) (for Microcomputers). 1993
Access EPA / 1995
Access EPA : records management programs / 1993
Access EPA : records management programs. 1991
Access EPA: Major EPA Dockets. 1990
Access to government information in the United States 2005
Access to medical and exposure records. 2001
Access to research data in the 21st century : an on going dialogue among interested parties : report of a workshop / 2002
Actual and Recommended Maintenance Practices for Light-Duty Vehicles for 1975 and Later Model Years. Volume II. 1975
All-in-1 records management resource directory. 1992
An Act to Further the Goals of the Paperwork Reduction Act to Have Federal Agencies Become More Responsible and Publicly Accountable for Reducing the Burden of Federal Paperwork on the Public, and for Other Purposes. 1995
Analysis of management of electronic records / recommended framework for policy development and dissemination and summary of comments final. 1994
Annotated Technical Reference for Hazardous Waste Sites, Draft
Asbestos Building Inspectors Model Curriculum for Training for Accreditation under TSCA Section 206 (Training Package). 1995
Asbestos Building Inspectors Model Curriculum for Training for Accreditation under TSCA Section 206. Student Notebook (Training Manual). 1995
Asbestos-in-Schools: A Guide to New Federal Requirements for Local Education Agencies. 1988
Assessment of health-related medical record systems for use in the pulp and paper industry. 1981
At a Glance : Congressionally Requested Audit: EPA Needs to Improve Processes for Preserving Text Messages as Federal Records. 2016
At a Glance : Congressionally Requested Inquiry Into the EPA's Use of Private and Alias Email Accounts. 2013
At a Glance : No Indications of Bias Found in a Sample of Freedom of Information Act Fee Waiver Decisions But the EPA Could Improve Its Process. 2014
At a Glance : Office of Inspector General Access to Agency Information and Personnel. 2009
Black firsts : 2,000 years of extraordinary achievement / 1994
Black firsts : 4,000 ground-breaking and pioneering historical events / 2003
Building an electronic records archive at the National Archives and Records Administration : recommendations for initial development / 2003
Building environmental partnerships through information sharing : State/EPA data-management program progress report 1988-1989 / 1989
Buried alive : document retention/records management. 1990
Career Resource and Counseling Center job search skills workbook. 1997
Case for Drinking Water Systems. 1987
Certification and training resource manual : a resource information guide / presented by Glenn Shannon. 1990
Chemical reporting and record-keeping authorities under 15 environmental and consumer acts / 1978
Chinese immigration and Chinese in the United States : records in the Regional Archives of the National Archives and Records Administration / 1996
Citizen's guide on how to use the Freedom of information act and the Privacy act in requesting Government documents thirteenth report / 1977
Citizen's guide on using the Freedom of Information Act and the Privacy Act of 1974 to request government records : fourth report / 1991
Clean Air Act confidential business information security manual. 2003
Clean Air Act confidential business information security manual. 2002
Cleaner technologies substitutes assessment for professional fabricare processes : peer review process. 1998
Compliance data system : user's guide. 1977
Compliance Data System User's Guide. 1976
Computerization of the New York City incinerator file. 1978
Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations Clean Water Act requirements : what are the federal record-keeping and reporting requirements?. 2002
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