Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 48
Showing: Items 1 - 48
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Range management)

Select Item Title Year Published
2000 RPA assessment of forest and range lands. 2001
Analysis of the range forage situation in the United States 1989-2040 / 1989
Annual report 1974
Assessment of the forest and range land situation in the United States 1982
Clean water and productive rangelands / 1994
Colorado Riparian Association proceedings : fourth annual convention, November 4-6 1992, Steamboat Springs, Colorado : riparian stewardship : a team effort. 1992
Considerations in rangeland watershed monitoring 1985
Draft environmental statement ; Owyhee grazing envrionmental impact statement / 1980
Effective cattle management in riparian zones : a field survey and literature review / 1997
Effects of converting sagebrush cover to grass on the hydrology of small watersheds at Boco Mountain, Colorado / 1979
Environmental effects of land use and intensive range management : a northern California example 1984
Exploring rangeland ecosystems : a variety of perspectives / 1980
Future of America's forest and rangelands : Forest Service 2010 Resources Planning Act assessment / 2012
Grazing management in riparian areas / 1989
Grazing management in riparian-wetland areas / 1997
Herbage dynamics on the Pawnee site : aboveground and belowground herbage dynamics on the four grazing intensity treatments : and preliminary sampling on the ecosystem stress site / 1971
Influences of forest and rangeland management on salmonid fishes and their habitats / 1991
Interpreting indicators of rangeland health : version 3 / 2000
Landscape ecology, function and management : principles from Australia's rangelands / 1997
Livestock grazing management and water quality protection : (state of the art reference document) / 1979
Long-term grazing intensity data from the Great Plains / 1975
Maintaining Soil Processes for Plant Productivity and Community Dynamics. 1995
Managing grazing of riparian areas in the intermountain region / 1989
Managing grazing of riparian areas in the Intermountain region / 1989
Monitoring primer for rangeland watersheds / 1994
Monitoring protocols to evaluate water quality effects of grazing management on western rangeland streams / 1993
Monitoring rangelands : interpreting what you see / 1996
Owyhee grazing environmental impact statement : final / 1980
Pasture and range improvement report / 1979
Perspectives in grassland ecology : results and applications of the US/IBP Grassland Biome study / 1979
Pocatello resource management plan : record of decision / 1988
Pocatello resource management plan and environmental impact statement : draft : Bannock, Bear Lake, Bingham, Bonneville, Caribou, Franklin, and Power counties, state of Idaho / 1987
Potential for water yield augmentation through forest and range management 1983
Prairie Potholes EIS, vegetation allocation : rangeland program summary and record of decision / 1982
Range management practices : investment costs, 1970 / 1972
Rangeland management Interior's monitoring has fallen short of agency requirements : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on National Parks and Public Lands, Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives / 1992
Rangelands and global change : an issue paper / 2005
Restoring western ranges and wildlands / 2004
Rocky Mountain agricultural landowners : guide to conservation and sustainability / 2005
Successes in Range Management 1988
The use and effects of pesticides for rangeland sagebrush control. / 1972
Vegetational studies on the ALE reserve, 1972 / 1974
Welfare ranching : the subsidized destruction of the American West / 2002
Wyoming land use decisions : Eastern Powder River basin area, Casper District / 1977
Wyoming land use decisions : Hanna area, Rawlins District / 1977
Wyoming Land use decisions : Overland Area, Rawlins District / 1977
Wyoming Land use decisions : Pioneer Trails Area, Rock Springs District / 1977
Wyoming Land use decisions : Salt Wells & Pilot Butte Area, rock Springs District. 1977

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