Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 24
Showing: Items 1 - 24
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Railroad cars)

Select Item Title Year Published
Background document for final interstate rail carrier noise emission regulation : source standards. 1980
Background document for proposed revision to rail carrier noise emission regulation. 1979
Background document for railroad noise emissions standards / 1975
Dismantling railroad freight cars; a study of improved methods with application to other demolition problems, 1969
Draft environmental impact statement for the proposed revision to rail carrier noise emission regulation. 1979
Environmental impact statement for the final interstate rail carrier noise emission regulation : source standards / 1980
Expansion of investigation of passenger car refueling losses / 1975
Handbook on Sanitation of Dining Cars in Operation. Standards of Sanitation for Operation and Maintenance of Food and Drink Service Facilities on Railroad Passenger Cars. 1959
Handbook on sanitation of railroad passenger car construction : standards of sanitation applicable to the construction of railroad passenger and dining cars. 1959
Handbook on Sanitation of Railroad Passenger Car Construction. Standards of Sanitation Applicable to the Construction of Railroad Passenger and Dining Cars. 1957
Handbook on Sanitation of Railroad Passenger Cars. Standards of Sanitation Applicable to the Construction, Operation and Maintenance of Railroad Passenger and Dining Cars. 1964
Handbook on Sanitation of Railroad Servicing Areas. Design and Operation of Sanitation Facilities for Servicing Railroad Passenger Cars. 1951
Hazardous waste bibliography. 1987
Indicators of the environmental impacts of transportation / 1999
Indicators of the environmental impacts of transportation : highway, rail, aviation, and maritime transport. 1996
Noise in rail transit cars : incremental costs of quieter cars. 1974
Passenger noise environments of enclosed transportation systems / 1975
Profile of the transportation equipment cleaning industry. 1995
Quarterly Reports: Railway Technical Research Institute, Volume 11, Number 3, 1970. 1970
Rail Transport of Solid Wastes. 1973
Rail Yard Noise Measurement Data: Appendix B to Background Document for Proposed Revision to Rail Carrier Noise Emission Regulation. 1979
Source assessment : rail tank car, tank truck, and drum cleaning : state of the art / 1978
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer of rebuilt railway cars and components / 1991
Waste minimization assessment for a manufacturer of refurbished railcar bearing assemblies / 1991

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