Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 59
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radon mitigation)

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Select Item Title Year Published
1991 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology : program / 1991
A radon guide for tenants / 1996
Active soil depressurization (ASD) demonstration in a large building : project summary / 1997
Consumer's guide to radon reduction : how to fix your home. 2010
Contributions of building materials to indoor radon levels in Florida buildings : project summary 1996
Control of radon in houses : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1989
Demonstration of radon resistant construction techniques : phase II : final report / 1995
Design for a program to measure the effectiveness of passive radon-resistant new construction. 1999
Drinking water : revisions to EPA's cost analysis for the radon rule would improve its credibility and usefulness / 2002
Dwellings with cellars and basements : a BRE guide to radon remedial measures in existing dwellings / 1998
Effectiveness of radon control features in new house construction, south central Florida : project summary / 1996
EPA radon in schools. 1994
EPA radon mitigation research update. 1994
Follow-up alpha-track monitoring in 40 eastern Pennsylvania houses with indoor radon reduction system (winter 1988-89) : project summary / 1991
Follow-up alpha-track monitoring in 40 eastern Pennsylvania houses with indoor radon reduction systems (winter 1987-88) : project summary / 1991
Follow-up annual alpha-track monitoring in 40 eastern Pennsylvania houses with indoor radon reduction systems (December 1988 - December 1989) : project summary / 1991
Follow-up annual alpha-track monitoring in 40 eastern Pennsylvania houses with indoor radon reduction systems (Winter 1988-89) : project summary / 1990
Guidance for the control of radiation hazards in uranium mining. 1967
Interim radon-resistant construction guidelines for use in Florida, 1989 / 1990
Investigation of radon entry and effectiveness of mitigation measures in seven houses in New Jersey / 1991
Management of the disposal of radioactive residuals in drinking water treatment / 2005
Measuring radon in structures. 1981
National Radon Contractor Proficiency Program : supplement / 1991
National Radon Measurement Proficiency (RMP) program : state proficiency report: North Carolina 1992
Outdoor radon study (1974-1975) : an evaluation of ambient radon-222 concentrations in Grand Junction, Colorado / 1977
Passive radon control system for new construction [electronic resource]. 1995
Proceedings : the 1988 Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology / 1989
Proceedings : the 1991 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology / 1991
Proceedings : the 1991 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology, volume 2 / 1991
Proceedings : the 1991 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology, volume 3. Symposium panel and poster papers technical sessions 1 through 5 / 1991
Proceedings : the 1991 International Symposium on Radon and Radon Reduction Technology, volume 4. Symposium poster papers technical sessions 6 through 10 / 1991
Profile of Region III radon measurements / 1988
Radon Detection kit / 1990
Radon in rental housing : legal and policy strategies for reducing health risks. 1994
Radon in schools. 1989
Radon mitigation research update. 1991
Radon mitigation standards / 1994
Radon pressure differential project, phase I Florida radon research program / 1992
Radon prevention in the design and construction of schools and other large buildings / 1994
Radon reduction and radon resistant construction demonstrations in New York / 1989
Radon reduction and radon-resistant construction demonstrations in New York : project summary / 1993
Radon reduction and radon-resistant construction demonstrations in New York : project summary / 1993
Radon reduction and radon-resistant construction demonstrations in New York State final report / 1991
Radon-resistant residential new construction / 1988
Radon-resistant residential new construction / 1988
RadTown USA : Radon in Schools. 2007
Reducing radon in schools : a team approach / 1994
Reference manual for RASSMIT version 2.1 : a sub-slab depressurization system design performance simulation program - project summary / 1993
Residential radon resistant construction features selection system : final report : project summary / 1996
Risk assessment of radon in drinking water 1999
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