Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 32
Showing: Items 1 - 32
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radon isotopes)

Select Item Title Year Published
AIRDOS-EPA : a computerized methodology for estimating environmental concentrations and dose to man from airborne releases of radionuclides / 1979
Alpha Decay of Neutron-Deficient Radon Isotopes. 1971
An acclimation room for the detection of low radium 226 body burdens 1968
Assessment of Potential Radiological Health Effects from Radon in Natural Gas. 1973
Assessment of potential radiological population health effects from radon in liquefied petroleum gas / 1977
Comparison of AIRDOS-EPA Predictions of Ground-Level Airborne Radionuclide Concentrations to Measured Values. 1987
Critical assessment of radon progeny exposure while showering in radon-bearing water 1996
Draft environmental impact statement for remedial action standards for inactive uranium processing sites (40 CFR 192). 1980
Estimated Average Annual Radon-222 Concentrations Around the Former Uranium Mill Site in Shiprock, New Mexico. 1978
Estimated averages annual radon-222 concentrations around the former uranium mill site in Shiprock, New Mexico / 1978
Final environmental impact statement for remedial action standards for inactive uranium processing sites (40 CFR 192). 1982
Final rule for radon-222 emissions from licensed uranium mill tailings: economic analysis. 1986
Improved Photographic Leak Test System for Sealed Sources of Radium 226. 1971
Instrumentation pour la radioprotection--instruments de mesure du radon et des descendants du radon = radiation protection instrumentation--radon and radon decay product measuring instruments. 2000
Measurement of radon and radon daughters in air : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1988
Measurement of total radium and radium-226 in environmental waters : a tentative reference method / 1976
Occurrence of uranium and 222radon in glacial and bedrock aquifers in the northern United States, 1993-2003 / 2007
Outdoor radon study (1974-1975) : an evaluation of ambient radon-222 concentrations in Grand Junction, Colorado / 1977
Population exposure to external natural radiation in the United States / 1981
Potential radiological impact of airborne releases and direct gamma radiation to individuals living near inactive uranium mill tailings piles / 1976
Preliminary Findings Radon Daughter Levels in Structures Constructed on Reclaimed Florida Phosphate Land. 1975
Radon and its decay products in indoor air 1988
Radon exhalation from uranium mill tailings piles : description and verification of the measurement method / 1975
Radon-measurement comparison study : Butte, Montana: 68 homes. 1990
Spatial Distribution of Radon Daughter and /Sup 239/Pu alpha Lung Dose Based on Experimental Energy Absorption Measurements. Progress Report, December 1, 1970-June 1, 1971. 1971
Studies on the Elimination Rate and the Radiation Exposure Following Ingestion of /Sup 222/RN Rich Water. 1970
Study of Radon-222 Released from Water During Typical Household Activities. 1979
Technical assessment of radon-222 control technology for underground uranium mines / 1980
The effects of home ventilation systems on indoor radon-radon daughter levels / 1978
U.S. Uranium Mining Industry: Background Information on Economics and Emissions. 1984
Water movement in uranium mill tailings profiles / 1978
Working level screening survey of structures constructed of materials containing pumice / 1978

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