Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radionuclide kinetics)

Select Item Title Year Published
131I levels in cow's milk following ingestion of contaminated alfalfa or sudan grass / 1975
An estimation of the daily average food intake by age and sex for use in assessing the radionuclide intake of individuals in the general population / 1984
Animal investigation program 1973 annual report : Nevada Test Site and vicinity / 1977
Animal investigation program 1976 annual report / 1978
Bladder-wrack (Fucus vesiculosus L) as an indicator for radionuclides in the environment of Swedish nuclear power plants. 1991
Characteristics of Florida Fill Materials and Soils, 1990. 1994
Drinking Water Criteria Document for Man-Made Radionuclide Occurrence (MMRD) (Draft). 1985
Five-year summary report of an experimental dairy herd maintained on the Nevada Test Site : 1971 through 1975 / 1977
Measurement and Instrumentation Techniques for Monitoring Plutonium and Uranium Particulates Released from Nuclear Facilities. 1976
Results of a Surveillance Program for Persons Living Around the Nevada Test Site - 1971 to 1980. 1982
Soil and Fill Laboratory Support - 1991. Florida Radon Research Program. 1994
Soil and Fill Laboratory Support 1992, Radiological Analyses. Florida Radon Research Program. 1995
Tissue burdens of selected radionuclides in beef cattle on and around the Nevada Test Site / 1976

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