Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 43
Showing: Items 1 - 43
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radiometry)

Select Item Title Year Published
A manual of radioactivity procedures ; recommendations. 1961
A microwave power controller for a radiation bio-effects exposure facility. 1972
A standard technique for estimating patient exposure from photofluorographic X-ray machines / 1975
An acclimation room for the detection of low radium 226 body burdens 1968
An estimate of radiation doses received by individuals living in the vicinity of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in 1968 / 1970
An investigation of radiofrequency radiation levels on Lookout Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado, September 22-26, 1986 / 1987
Atmospheric nuclear tests : environmental and human consequences / 1998
Basic health physics : problems and solutions / 1999
Factors affecting the use of CaF2 : Mn thermoluminescent dosimeters for low-level environmental radiation monitoring / 1976
Fluid Product Pipeline Leak Detection from Airborne Platforms. 1970
Geophysics Advisor Expert System (Version 2.0) (for Microcomputers). 1992
Geophysics Advisor Expert System, Version 2.0. 1992
Instrumental Sensing of Stationary Source Emissions. 1977
Manual of protective action guides and protective actions for nuclear incidents. 1991
Maximum permissible amounts of radioisotopes in the human body and maximum permissible concentrations in air and water / 1953
Measurement of absorbed dose of neutrons, and of mixtures of neutrons and gamma rays : Recommendations of the 1961
Measurement of atmospheric sulfates. Literature search and methods selection / 1976
Measurements of the radiation emissions from the Nuva-Lite dental appliance / 1975
Millimeter-Wave Emissivity of Cellular Systems. 1987
Near-field radiation properties of simple linear antennas with applications to radiofrequency hazards and broadcasting / 1978
Neutron contamination from medical electron accelerators : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1984
New horizons in biological dosimetry : proceedings of the International Symposium on Trends in Biological Dosimetry, held in Lerici, Italy, October 23-27, 1990 / 1991
Nitrogen dioxide photolytic, radiometric and meteorological field data / 1978
Off-site environmental monitoring report : radiation monitoring around United States nuclear test areas, calendar year 1987 / 1988
Offsite environmental monitoring report : radiation monitoring around United States nuclear test areas, calendar year 1990 / 1991
Physical aspects of irradiation : recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU). 1964
Pilot study of ultraviolet radiation in Los Angeles, October 1965 : a report on concurrent measurements made by cooperating organizations by various methods / 1967
Population dose and health impact of the accident at the Three Mile Island Nuclear Station : a preliminary assessment for the period March 28 through April 7, 1979 / 1979
Proceedings of Conference on Environmental Quality Sensors (2nd) Held at National Environmental Research Center, Las Vegas, Nevada on October 10-11, 1973. 1976
Radiobiological dosimetry; recommendations of the International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements ... 1962. 1963
Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation Levels Resulting from Man-Made Sources in the Washington, D. C., Area. 1971
Radiometric method for the determination of uranium in water : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1979
Radiotracer methodology in the biological, environmental, and physical sciences / 1975
Radon exhalation from uranium mill tailings piles : description and verification of the measurement method / 1975
Remote Monitoring of Nitric Oxide by Gas-Filter Correlation Techniques. 1976
Remote Sensing of Pollutants in Gas Plumes by Infrared Emission Radiometry-Spectroscopy. 1972
Report of the International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU) 1956. 1957
Report of the International Commission on Radiological Units and Measurements (ICRU), 1959. 1961
SI units in radiation protection and measurements : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1985
Summary of occupational radiation exposure at nuclear power plants 1969 through 1977 / 1979
Tentative reference method for the measurement of gross alpha and gross beta radioactivities in environmental waters / 1975
The natural radiation environment / 1964
The theory and practice of scintillation counting. 1964

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