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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radioecology)

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Select Item Title Year Published
129I in animal thyroids from Nevada and other western States / 1977
129 I in an animal thyroids from Nevada and other western States / 1977
1971 animal investigation program : annual report / 1975
A bibliography on radioecology / 1972
A preliminary mathematical model for predicting the transport of radionuclides in the marine environment / 1969
Absorption, Distribution and Milk Secretion of Radionuclides by the Dairy Cow - V. Radiotungsten. 1972
Amchitka Radiobiological Program progress report. 1971
Availability, uptake and translocation of plutonium within biological systems : a review of the significant literature / 1976
Behavior of certain radionuclides released into fresh-water environments : annual report, [1959-1960]. 1965
Bioenvironmental safety studies, Amchitka Island, Alaska: Cannikin D+2 months report. 1972
Biological and environmental effects of low-level radiation proceedings of a symposium ... / 1976
Biological Half-Life of Tritium in Chickens and Eggs. 1975
Combined effects of radioactive, chemical and thermal releases to the environment : proceedings of a symposium on the combined effects on the environment of radioactive, chemical and thernal releases from the nuclear inductry jointly organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and the OECD Nuclear Energy Agency, and held in Stockholm, 2-5 June 1975. 1975
Computer Code (RVRDOS) to Calculate Population Doses from Radioactive Liquid Effluents and an Application to Nuclear Power Reactors on the Mississippi River Basin. 1976
Concentration factors and transport models for radionuclides in aquatic environments : a literature report / 1976
Distribution of cobalt 60, zinc 65, strontium 85, and cesium 137 in a freshwater pond / 1967
Distribution of cobalt 60, zinc 65, strontium 85, and cesium 137 in a freshwater pond / 1967
Dynamic of transuranics and other radionuclides in natural environments 1987
Effects of Acute Radiation on Reproductive Success of the Polychaete Worm 'Neanthes arenaceodentata'. 1988
Effects of ionizing radiation on aquatic organisms and ecosystems. 1976
Environmental monitoring at Hanford for ... 1984
Environmental surveillance at Hanford. 0
Environmental toxicity of aquatic radionuclides : models and mechanisms / 1976
Estuarine radioecology a bibliography of report literature. 1970
Final Environmental Impact Statement (Final Statement to ERDA 1545-D) Rocky Flats Plant Site Golden Jefferson County Colorado Volume 2 of 3 Appendices 1980
Final report on postattack ecology 1973
Hanford site environmental report for calendar year ... 0
Impacts of nuclear releases into the aquatic environment : proceedings of an International Symposium on Radiological Impacts of Releases from Nuclear Facilities into Aquatic Environments / 1975
Individual and population doses for the 1972 discharges from the Ginna nuclear power plant, unit number one / 1975
Lake Michigan environmental survey : final report / 1970
Lead-210 in selected marine organisms. 1969
Long-term worldwide effects of multiple nuclear-weapons detonations 1975
Manual of protective action guides and protective actions for nuclear incidents. 1991
Marine Radioecology: A Selected Bibliography of Non-Russian Literature. 1974
Methodology for assessing impacts of radioactivity on aquatic ecosystems : report of an advisory group meeting on methodology of radiation effect experiments on aquatic organisms and ecosystems for the evaluation of the effects of radionuclide releases to aquatic environments organized by the International Atomic Energy Agency and held in Vienna, 21-25 November 1977. 1979
Plutonium uptake by plants from soil containing plutonium-238 dioxide particles / 1977
Preliminary milk report / 1975
Preliminary testing of turbulence and radionuclide transport modeling in the deep-ocean environment / 1989
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 13, Numbers 1-3, January-March 1972. 1972
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 13, Numbers 10-12, October-December 1972. 1972
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 13, Numbers 4-6, April-June 1972. 1972
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 13, Numbers 7-9, July-September 1972. 1972
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 14, Numbers 1-3, January-March 1973. 1973
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 14, Numbers 10-12, October-December 1973. 1973
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 14, Numbers 4-6, April-June 1973. 1973
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 14, Numbers 7-9, July-September 1973. 1973
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 15, Numbers 1-3, January-March 1974. 1974
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 15, Numbers 10-12, October-December 1974. 1974
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 15, Numbers 4-6, April-June 1974. 1974
Radiation Data and Reports. Volume 15, Numbers 7-9, July-September 1974. 1974
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