Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radioaktiver Abfall)

Select Item Title Year Published
Atomic frontier days : Hanford and the American West / 2011
Geologic Disposal of High-Level Radioactive Waste / 2018
Hazardous and radioactive waste treatment technologies handbook / 2001
Immobilization of low and intermediate level radioactive wastes with polymers. 1988
Low-level radioactive waste : from cradle to grave / 1990
Operation and control of ion-exchange processes for treatment of radioactive wastes. 1967
Public reactions to nuclear waste : citizens' views of repository siting / 1993
Sampling and surveying radiological environments / 2001
Selection and investigation of sites for the disposal of radioactive wastes in hydraulically induced subsurface fractures / 1982
The road to Yucca Mountain : the development of radioactive waste policy in the United States / 2009
Underground injection science and technology / 2005

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