Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radioactive waste disposal)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Economics in managing radioactive wastes : report resulting from two panels of experts on the economics of radioactive waste management. 1968
Effect of capillarity and soil structure on flow in low permeability saturated soils at disposal facilities / 1987
Effects of low-level radioactive-waste disposal on water chemistry in the unsaturated zone at a site near Sheffield, Illinois, 1982-84 1992
Efficient separations and processing crosscutting program : technology summary. 1995
Effluent and environmental radiation surveillance a symposium / 1980
End Points for spent nuclear fuel and high-level radioactive waste in Russia and the United States 2003
End state methodology for identifying technology needs for environmental management, with an example from the Hanford Site tanks 1999
Environmental and other evaluations of alternatives for long-term management of buried INEL transuranic waste. 1979
Environmental aspects of nuclear power stations. Proceedings of a symposium on environmental aspects of nuclear powere stations held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the United States Atomic Energy Commission in New York, 10-14 August 1970. 1971
Environmental assessment : reference repository location, Hanford site, Washington. 1986
Environmental assessment of remedial action at the Monument Valley Uranium Mill Tailings site, Monument Valley, Arizona. 1989
Environmental assessment overview : Davis Canyon Site, Utah. 1986
Environmental assessment overview : Deaf Smith County Site, Texas. 1986
Environmental assessment overview : reference repository location, Hanford Site, Washington. 1986
Environmental assessment overview : Yucca Mountain Site, Nevada Research and Development Area, Nevada. 1986
Environmental assessment Richton Dome site, Mississippi. 1986
Environmental assessment, Davis Canyon Site, Utah. 1986
Environmental assessment, Deaf Smith County Site, Texas. 1986
Environmental assessment, Yucca Mountain Site, Nevada Research and Development Area, Nevada. 1986
Environmental pathway models for estimating population health effects from disposal of high-level radioactive waste in geologic repositories / 1986
Environmental pathway models for estimating population health effects from disposal of high-level radioactive waste in geologic repositories / 1982
Environmental radioactivity surveillance guide. 1972
Environmental report for Pantex Plant 1994
Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) fact sheets 1992
Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) Program an introduction / 1991
Environmental restoration and waste management : five-year plan, fiscal years 1992-1996. 1990
Environmental restoration and waste management : five-year plan, fiscal years 1994-1998. 1993
Environmental restoration and waste management : five-year plan. 1992
Environmental restoration and waste management five-year plan, fiscal years 1994-1998, executive summary. 1993
Environmental Restoration and Waste Management Site-Specific Plan for the Richland Operations Office Hanford site five-year plan, fiscal years 1993-1997 / 1991
Environmental standards for management and disposal of spent nuclear fuel, high-level and transuranic radioactive wastes : draft environmental impact statement, #40 CFR part 191. 1982
Environmental surveillance in the vicinity of nuclear facilities; proceedings of a symposium. 1970
Environmental surveillance report for the INEL radioactive waste management complex / 0
Environmental survey of the nuclear fuel cycle / 1972
EPA and the Wipp. 1994
EPA Workshop on Radioactively Contaminated Sites : May 3-5, 1989, Albuquerque, New Mexico / 1990
EPA y Wipp. 1994
EPA Yucca Mountain Fact Sheet #4 : Agency Roles in the Approval, Monitoring, and Operation of a Potential Yucca Mountain Repository. 2005
EPA's final conditional no-migration determination for DOE's waste isolation pilot plant. 1990
Estimates of the quantities, form, and transport of carbon-14 in low-level radioactive waste / 1986
Estimating the cold war mortgage : the ... baseline environmental management report. 1995
Evaluation of alternative methods for the disposal of low-level radioactive wastes / 1979
Evaluation of Alternatives for the Ultimate Disposal of Krypton-85: Task 1 - Compilation of Alternatives. 1979
Evaluation of Radium Contamination in Aircraft Instrument Repair Facilities. 1969
Evaluation of the concept of storing radioactive wastes in bedrock below the Savannah River plant site; report. 1972
Evaluation of the impact of the Mines Development, Inc. Mill on water quality conditions in the Cheyenne River / 1971
Evaluation of the potential economic impacts of 40 CFR 197 : environmental radiation protection standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada. 1996
Evaluation of the potential economic impacts of 40 CFR 197 environmental radiation protection standards for Yucca Mountain, Nevada. [microform] : 1999
Evaluation of the resistivity anisotropy of the clays at the Down Ampney fault research site 1989
Evapotranspiration and microclimate at a low-level radioactive-waste disposal site in northwestern Illinois / 1989
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