Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radioactive waste disposal in the ocean)

Select Item Title Year Published
1978 Atlantic 3800-meter radioactive waste disposal site survey : sedimentary, micromorphologic and geophysical analyses / 1983
1978 Atlantic 3800-meter radioactive waste disposal site survey : sedimentary, micromorphologic and geophysical analyses / 1983
A Study of deep ocean currents near the 3800m low-level radioactive waste disposal site : May 1984 - May 1986 / 1988
A Study of some factors involved in the disposal of radioactive wastes at sea / 1958
An Evaluation of techniques for ocean disposal of soils containing naturally occurring radionuclides (FUSRAP wastes) / 1989
An Evaluation of techniques for ocean disposal of soils containing naturally occurring radionuclides (FUSRAP wastes) / 1990
Analysis and evaluation of a radioactive waste package retrieved from the Atlantic 2800 meter disposal site / 1979
Analysis of current meter records at the Northwest Atlantic 2800 metre radioactive waste dumpsite / 1982
Analysis of ocean current meter records obtained from a 1975 deployment off the Farallon Islands, California / 1983
Anthropogenic radionuclides in the marine environment : a selected bibliography / 2011
Comments on a critique of GAO's radioactive waste ocean dumping report 1982
Department of Defense Arctic Nuclear Waste Assessment Program summary FY 1996 1997
Development of a working set of waste package performance criteria for deepsea disposal of low-level radioactive waste / 1983
Development of benthic biological monitoring criteria for disposal of low-level radioactive waste in the abyssal deep sea / 1988
Disposal of radioactive wastes into seas, oceans and surface waters; proceedings of the symposium .. 1966
Final report on developing site selection criteria for disposal of low level radioactive waste off the east coast of North America 1982
Geologic observations at the 2800-meter radioactive waste disposal site and associated deepwater dumpsite 105 (DWD-106) in the Atlantic Ocean / 1983
Hazards of past low-level radioactive waste ocean dumping have been overemphasized report / 1981
Managing the nation's commercial high-level radioactive waste. 1985
Materials for containment of low-level nuclear waste in the deep ocean / 1983
Nuclear power and the Sound : proceedings of a public policy forum / 1978
Ocean dumping and pollution : hearings before the Subcommittee on Oceanography and the Subcommittee on Fisheries and Wildlife Conservation and the Environment of the Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress. 1978
Oceanographic model for the dispersion of wastes disposed of in the deep sea 1983
Operations report : a survey of the Farallon Islands 500-fathom radioactive waste disposal site / 1975
Prediction of vertical transport of low-level radioactive Middlesex soil at a deep-ocean disposal site / 1986
Preliminary testing of turbulence and radionuclide transport modeling in the deep-ocean environment / 1989
Proceedings of a meeting on ocean modeling efforts at EPA, February 10, 1987 / 1987
Quantitative mineral assessment and radionuclide retention potential of Atlantic 3800-meter nuclear waste dumpsite sediments / 1983
Radioactive wastes and the ocean 1983
Radiological contamination of the oceans : oversight hearings before the Subcommittee on Energy and the Environment of the Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs, House of Representatives, Ninety-fourth Congress, second session ... July 26 and 27, 1976. 1977
Radionuclides in the arctic seas from the former Soviet Union : potential health and ecological risks / 1997
Report on the invertebrate megafauna sampled by trawling in the Atlantic 3800 meter low-level radioactive waste disposal site / 1983
Research and environmental surveillance programme related to sea disposal of radioactive waste. 1981
Review of waste eligibility and container lifetimes for ocean disposal of low level radioactive waste / 1988
Scientific protocol for ocean disposal site designation 1984
Sediment characteristics of the 2800 meter Atlantic nuclear waste disposal site : radionuclide retention potential / 1979
Sediment monitoring at deep-ocean low-level radioactive waste disposal sites : methods manual / 1988
Sediment monitoring parameters and rationale for characterizing deep-ocean low-level radioactive waste disposal sites / 1988
Subseabed disposal program 1983 status report : abstract / 1983
Subseabed Disposal Program annual report : systems, October 1981 through Septermber 1982 / 1984
Survey of packaging for solidified low-level radioactive waste 1978
Survey of the benthic invertebrates collected from the United States 2800 meter radioactive waste disposal site in the Atlantic Ocean (final report) {MICROFICHE} 1983
Survey of the benthic invertebrates collected from the United States 2800 meter radioactive waste disposal site in the Atlantic Ocean / 1981
Survey of the marine benthic infauna collected from the United States radioactive waste disposal sites off the Farallon Islands, California / 1983
The use of geophysical monitoring systems and data to identify and designate ocean sites for disposal of low-level radioactive wastes / 1988
Transport of Low-Level Radioactive Soil at Deep-Ocean Disposal Site. 1992

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