Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radioactive pollution of the atmosphere)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A comparison of measured versus model-predicted effluent diffusion for ground releases / 1981
A review of the radiological and environmental aspects of krypton-85 / 1969
A Study of radioactive airborne effluents from particle accelerators : final contract report / 1979
A Study of radioactive airborne effluents from particle accelerators : final report / 1979
Air pollution aspects of radioactive substances / 1970
Airborne cloud tracking measurements during the Three Mile Island nuclear station accident 1984
Airborne radiological sampling of Mount St. Helens plumes / 1981
Airborne radiological sampling of Mount St. Helens plumes / 1981
AIRDOS-EPA : a computerized methodology for estimating environmental concentrations and dose to man from airborne releases of radionuclides / 1979
Airem program manual : a computer code for calculating doses, population doses, and ground depositions due to atmospheric emissions of radionuclides / 1974
An investigation of airborne radioactive effluent from an operating nuclear fuel reprocessing plant / 1970
Assessment of airborne radioactivity. Proceedings of a symposium ... 1967
Atmes II : Evaluation of long-range dispersion models using data of the 1st etex release / 1998
Atmospheric scavenging of radioisotopes. 1970
Calculations of the mean regional dispersion of a radioactive gas emitted from a continuous source. -- 1974
Considerations in developing and using methods for estimating diffuse or fugitive air emissions of radionuclides at DOE facilities / 1994
Control technology for radioactive emissions to the atmosphere at U.S. Department of Energy facilities 1984
Emissions of naturally occurring radioactivity : fireclay mine and refractory plant / 1981
Environmental aspects of nuclear power stations. Proceedings of a symposium on environmental aspects of nuclear powere stations held by the International Atomic Energy Agency in co-operation with the United States Atomic Energy Commission in New York, 10-14 August 1970. 1971
Environmental monitoring at Hanford for 1985 1986
Environmental monitoring at Hanford for 1986. 1987
Environmental surveillance in the vicinity of nuclear facilities; proceedings of a symposium. 1970
Estimates of dose due to noble gas releases from the Three Mile Island incident using the AIRDOS-EPA computer code 1980
Fundamentals of air pollution / 1984
Krypton-85 in the atmosphere : accumulation, biological significance, and control technology : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1975
Maxdose-EPA : a computerized methodology for estimating individual doses from a high-level radioactive waste repository / 1981
Meteorological aspects of atmospheric radioactivity; papers presented by WMO experts during the 13th session of the United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation [Geneva, 1964]. 1965
Meteorological factors influencing the transport and removal of radioactive debris : papers / 1961
Microwave energy absorption in tissue / 1972
NESHAPS rulemaking on nuclear regulatory commission and agreement state licensees other than nuclear power reactors / 1996
NESHAPS rulemaking on nuclear regulatory commission and agreement state licensees other than nuclear power reactors : background information document. 1996
Nuclear explosives in peacetime. 1970
Polynuclear aromatic compounds : synthesis and purification / 1981
Polynuclear aromatic compounds : synthesis and purification / 1980
Proceedings of the second Federal Conference on the Great Lakes, March 25-27, 1975 1975
Proceedings of the Twelfth AEC Air Cleaning Conference held at Oak Ridge, Tennessee 28-31 August 197 1973
Proceedings of the USAEC Meteorological Information Meeting held at Chalk River Nuclear Laboratories, September 11-14, 1967 / 1967
Proceedings. 1972
Radioactive air sampling methods / 2011
Radioactive waste discharges to the environment from nuclear power facilities / 1971
Radioactivity released from underground nuclear detonations : source, transport, diffusion, and deposition / 1970
Radiological assessment : a textbook on environmental dose analysis / 1983
Radiological impact caused by emissions of radionuclides into air in the United States : preliminary report. 1979
Radiological laboratory sample analysis guide for incidents of national significance : radionuclides in air. 2009
Radiological survey around power plants using fossil fuel / 1970
Radiometric method for the determination of uranium in soil and air : single-laboratory evaluation and interlaboratory collaborative study / 1980
RadTown USA : Nuclear Power Plant. 2006
Response to comments : amendment to radionuclide NESHAPs (part 40 CFR 61), subpart H and subpart I. 2002
Sampling and data reporting considerations for airborne particulate radioactivity / 1976
Study of airborne radioactive effluents from the radiopharmaceutical industry final report / 1979
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