Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 28
Showing: Items 1 - 28
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radio frequency)

Select Item Title Year Published
An investigation of radiofrequency radiation levels on Lookout Mountain, Jefferson County, Colorado, September 22-26, 1986 / 1987
Biological Effects and Measurement of Radio Frequency/Microwaves : proceedings of a conference held in Rockville, Maryland, February 16-18, 1977 1977
Engineering bulletin : separation/concentration technology alternatives for the remediation of pesticide-contaminated soil. 1997
Final Report: In situ radio frequency heating demonstration (U) revision 0 1994
Fourth World Congress on Microwave and Radio Frequency Applications : November 7-12, 2004, Austin, Texas. 2004
Identification cards -- Integrated circuit cards. Cartes d'identification -- Cartes a circuit integre -- Partie 4, organzisation, scuite et commandes pour les change. Part 4, Organization, security and commands for interchange = 2013
IITRI radio frequency heating technology. 1995
IITRI radio frequency heating technology. 1995
In situ Soil Decontamination by Radio Frequency Heating. 1993
Innovative technology evaluation report : radio frequency heating, KAI Technologies, Inc. 1995
Investigation of radiofrequency radiation levels on Healy Heights Portland, Oregon, July 28 - August 1, 1986 / 1987
ITT Research Institute radio frequency heating process / 1995
KAI radio frequency heating process / 1995
KAI radio frequency heating technology. 1995
KAI Technologies, Inc. : radio frequency heating process / 1995
Letter report to review the International Epidemiology Public Health Institute's evaluation of radio frequency energy from the PAVE PAWS radar 2006
Measurement of Electromagnetic Radiation Levels From Selected Transmitters Operating Between 54 and 220 MHz in the Las Vegas, Nevada, Area. 1971
Radio frequency and equipment acquisition guide. 1993
Radio frequency heating : IIT Research Institute / 1994
Radio frequency heating : KAI Technologies, Inc. / 1994
Radiofrequency radiation measurement survey : Honolulu, Hawaii, May 14-25, 1984. 1985
Radiofrequency radiation survey in the McFarland California area / 1989
RF radiation absorption patterns : human and animal modeling data 1977
The Passive use of the frequency spectrum : a CCMS study of the NATO Committee on the Challenges of Modern Society / 1996
Use of (1) Sensors and (2) Radio Frequency ID (RFID) for the National Children's Study. Final Report. 2004
Verification of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) for Tracking Hazardous Wastes Shipments across International Borders. Environmental Technology Verification Program. Advanced Monitoring Systems Center. 2009
Waste reduction guide : applied technologies, summary. 2000
Waste reduction guide : radio frequency (RF). 2000

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