Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radiation Dosage)

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Select Item Title Year Published
40 CFR 190 environmental radiation protection requirements for normal operations of activities in the uranium fuel cycle, final environmental statement. 1976
A guide for determining compliance with the Clean Air Act standards for radionuclide emissions from NRC-licensed and non-DOE federal facilities. 1989
A Practical Guide to the Determination of Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Fields : Recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1993
A review and evaluation of principles used in the estimation of radiation doses associated with deep sea disposal of low-level radioactive waste / 1989
A review of radiation exposure estimates from normal operations in the management and disposal of high-level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuel / 1980
A statistical analysis of the projected performance of multi-unit reactor sites / 1976
Absorption, Distribution and Milk Secretion of Radionuclides by the Dairy Cow - V. Radiotungsten. 1972
Advisory Report on the Health Effects of Radium 226 in Drinking Water. 1978
Afterloading in radiotherapy : proceedings of a conference held in New York City, May 6-8, 1971. / 1971
AIRDOS-EPA : a computerized methodology for estimating environmental concentrations and dose to man from airborne releases of radionuclides / 1979
Alternate Performance Standard Project: Interpreting the Post-Construction Test. 1993
Ambient Airborne Radioactivity Measurements in the Vicinity of the Jackpile Open Pit Uranium Mine New Mexico. 1979
An estimate of radiation doses received by individuals living in the vicinity of a nuclear fuel reprocessing plant in 1968 / 1970
An investigation of airborne radioactive effluent from an operating nuclear fuel reprocessing plant / 1970
Analytical capability of the environmental radiation ambient monitoring system / 1983
Approaches to quantitative expression of dose response 1985
Area Source Radiological Emission Analysis Code (AREAC). 1976
Assessment of carbon-14 control technology and costs for the LWR fuel cycle / 1977
Assessment of potential radiological population health effects from radon in liquefied petroleum gas / 1977
Assessment of the Critical Populations at Risk Due to Radiation Exposure in Structures. 1979
Basic Radiological Health. 1958
Behavioral effects of microwaves : relationship of total dose and dose rate / 1988
Biological aspects of ultraviolet radiation : a review of hazards / 1970
Biological effects and dosimetry of static and ELF electromagnetic fields {microform} / 1987
Biological Half-Life of Tritium in Chickens and Eggs. 1975
Biological transfer of plutonium via in vivo labeled goat's milk / 1976
Central Florida Phosphate Industry Areawide Impact Assessment Program. Volume VI: Land. 1978
Cesium-137 from the environment to man : metabolism and dose : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1977
Comparison of AIRDOS-EPA Predictions of Ground-Level Airborne Radionuclide Concentrations to Measured Values. 1987
Computer Code (RVRDOS) to Calculate Population Doses from Radioactive Liquid Effluents and an Application to Nuclear Power Reactors on the Mississippi River Basin. 1976
Concentration factors and transport models for radionuclides in aquatic environments : a literature report / 1976
Considerations for Control of Radiation Exposures to Personnel from Shipments of Radioactive Materials on Passenger Aircraft. 1974
Control of exposure of the public to ionizing radiation in the event of accident or attack : proceedings of a symposium held 27, 28, 29 April, 1981 at the International Conference Center, Reston, Virginia. 1982
Cost of implementing Protective Action Guides for food / 1990
Cyclotron Production of 123I- an Evaluation of the Nuclear Reactions Which Produce This Isotope. 1970
Derived intervention levels for radionuclides in food : guidelines for application after widespread radioactive contamination resulting from a major radiation accident. 1988
Design and Evaluation of an Electronic Radiography System. 1971
Development and application of a risk assessment method for radioactive waste management : final contract report / 1978
Development of a working set of waste package performance criteria for deepsea disposal of low-level radioactive waste / 1983
Distribution of ingested americium in chickens and transport to eggs / 1976
Dose control at nuclear power plants / recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1994
Dose/Dose-Rate Responses of Shrimp Larvae to UV-B Radiation. 1980
Doses to the Central Nervous System of Children Resulting from X-Ray Therapy for Tinea Capitis. 1970
Draft-- a guide for determining compliance with the Clean Air Act standards for radionuclide emissions from NRC-licensed and non-DOE federal facilities. 1989
Effect of Nonionizing Radiation on the Purkinje Cells of the Rat Cerebellum. 1980
Effect of Nuclear Power Generation on Water Quality in the Great Lakes. 1977
Effects on Populations of Exposure to Low Levels of Ionizing Radiation. 1972
Environmental analysis of the uranium fuel cycle. 1973
Environmental radiation dose commitment: an application to the nuclear power industry. 1974
Environmental Radioactivity Surveillance Guide. 1972
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