Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radiation tolerance)

Select Item Title Year Published
Approaches to the Calculation of Limitations on Nuclear Detonations for Peaceful Purposes. 1969
Biological aspects of laser radiation : a review of hazards. 1969
Biological Aspects of Microwave Radiation. A Review of Hazards. 1968
Biological aspects of ultraviolet radiation : a review of hazards / 1970
Cytogenetic Comparison of the Responses of Mouse and Human Peripheral Blood Lymphocytes to 60Co Gamma Radiation (Journal Version). 1988
Instrument for Measurement of X-Ray Emission from Television Sets. 1968
Maximum permissible body burdens and maximum permissible concentrations of radionuclides in air and in water for occupational exposure : recommendations of the National Committee on Radiation Protection. 1963
Medical Uses of Radium and Radium Substitutes. 1965
Need for Standardization Procedures in the Application of Ionozing Radiation to Medical and Dental Patients. 1968
Normalizing the Thermal Effects of Radiofrequency Radiation: Body Mass Versus Total Body Surface Area. 1987
Proceedings of the Research Planning Conference on Human Activity Patterns / 1989
Proposed guidance on dose limits for persons exposed to transuranium elements in the general environment : summary report. 1977
Response to comments : guidance on dose limits for persons exposed to transuranium elements in the general environment / 1978
Review of radium toxicity studies 1970
Symposium on past, Present, and Future State X-Ray Programs, Atlanta, Georgia, May 21-22, 1968. 1969
Three-Dimensional Model for Hyperthermia Calculations. 1987

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