Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Radiation monitoring)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Environmental radiation data. October-December 1988. Report 56. 1989
Environmental radiation data. Report 28, October - December 1982. 1982
Environmental radiation data. Report 29m January - March 1982. 1982
Environmental radiation data. Report 31, April - June 1982. 1982
Environmental radiation data. Report 31, July - September 1982. 1982
Environmental radiation data. Report 32, October - December 1982. 1982
Environmental radiation data. Report 34, April - June 1983. 1983
Environmental radiation data. Report 70, April-June 1990 / 1990
Environmental Radiation Data: Report 47, July-September 1986. 1987
Environmental Radiation Data: Report 48, October-December 1986. 1987
Environmental Radiation Data: Report 49, January-March 1987. 1987
Environmental Radiation Data: Report 50, April-June 1987. 1987
Environmental Radiation Data: Report 59, July-September 1989. 1990
Environmental radiation measurements : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1976
Environmental Radioactivity : Laboratory intercomparison studies program 1973-1974 / 1974
Environmental radioactivity at the TMI, venting phase 1985
Environmental radioactivity at the TMI, venting phase / 1985
Environmental radioactivity laboratory intercomparison studies program 1973-1974 / 1974
Environmental toxicity of aquatic radionuclides : models and mechanisms / 1976
EPA assessment of fallout in the United States from atmospheric nuclear testing on September 26 and November 17, 1976 by the People's Republic of China / 1977
Evaluation of radiation emergencies and accidents : selected criteria and data / prepared by Edward J. Vallario, United States Atomic Energy Commission. 1974
Exposure of the U.S. population from occupational radiation : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1989
Federal Photovoltaic Utilization Program. Final Report of the Environmental Protection Agency. 1985
Food habits and radionuclide tissue concentrations of Nevada desert bighorn sheep 1972-1973 / 1976
Guidance for Research House Studies of the Florida Radon Research Program. Volume 1. Research Plan. 1992
Guidance for Research House Studies of the Florida Radon Research Program. Volume 2. Model-Backed Experimental Protocol for Determining Radon Resistance of Buildings. 1992
Hazardous Dust Control. 1986
Identification of Candidate Houses for the North Florida Portion of the Florida Radon Mitigation Project. 1990
Impacts of nuclear releases into the aquatic environment : proceedings of an International Symposium on Radiological Impacts of Releases from Nuclear Facilities into Aquatic Environments / 1975
Indoor radon pollution : update / 1988
Interim Environmental Monitoring Report for the Nevada Test Site, First Quarter 1981. 1981
Interim Environmental Monitoring Report for the Nevada Test Site, First Quarter 1981. 1981
Interim indoor radon and radon decay product measurement protocols / 1986
Interlaboratory intercomparison of polonium-210 measurements / 1976
Introduction to health physics / 2017
Ionizing radiation exposure of the population of the United States : recommendations of the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements. 1987
Krypton 85; a review of the literature and analysis of radiation hazards. 1972
Measurement and Instrumentation Techniques for Monitoring Plutonium and Uranium Particulates Released from Nuclear Facilities. 1976
Method for testing the diffusion coefficient of polymer films / 1996
Methods, occurrence and monitoring document for radon from drinking water : public comment draft / 1999
Monitoring Before and After Radon Mitigation. 1987
Monitoring of radioactive contamination on surfaces : a manual / 1970
Monitoring Radon Reduction in Clinton, New Jersey Houses. 1987
Multi-agency radiation survey and site investigation manual (MARSSIM) : draft for public comment / 1996
Multi-Agency Radiation Survey and Site Investigation Manual (MARSSIM). Revision 1. 2000
National radon measurement proficiency (RMP) program : cumulative proficiency report / 1988
National Radon Measurement Proficiency Program : individual proficiency report : indices. 1992
Noble gas sampling system / 1977
Occupational exposure to ionizing radiation in the United States : a comprehensive review for the year 1980 and a summary of trends for the years 1960-1985 / 1985
Off-site environmental monitoring report : radiation monitoring around United States nuclear test areas, calendar year 1984 / 1985
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