Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 524
Showing: Items 1 - 50

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Select Item Title Year Published
1994 research accomplishments. 1995
1997 update to ORD's strategic plan / 1997
2004 ORD Managers' Leadership Summit : August 16-20, 2004, Philadelphia Marriott Downtown / 2004
2004 ORD managers' leadership summit : catalytic management : igniting leadership at all levels. 2004
A decade of discovery / 2008
A framework for a computational toxicology research program. 2003
A legacy of progress : environmental results in the Rocky Mountains and plains region, 2001-2008 / 2008
A national assessment of landscape change and impacts to aquatic resources : a 10-year research strategy for the landscape sciences program. / 2000
A Research strategy for electric and magnetic fields : research needs and priorities / 1991
A summary of the 1987 EPA national performance audit program on source measurements / 1989
A survey on research needs on personal samplers for toxic organic compounds / 1980
Accessing the federal government : site remediation technology programs and initiatives / 1996
Acid extraction treatment system for treatment of metal contaminated soils / 1994
AGWA (Automated Geospatial Watershed Assessment) Design Documentation: Migrating to ArcGis(Trade Name) and the Internet. 2005
Air pollution effects of biodiversity / 1992
Air, climate, and energy : strategic research action plan / 2016
AL and the Environment: Knowledge-Based Tools for Environmental Decision Makers. 1991
Ambient water quality criteria document : addendum for antimony. 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for 2, 4-dimethylphenol / 1990
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for 2-chlorophenol / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for acrolein. (draft report final). 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for acrylonitrile, (draft report final). 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for aldrin/dieldrin. 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for benzidene (draft report final). 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for cenphthene, (draft report final). 1990
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for chlorinated napthalenes (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for chlorinated phenols (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for chloroakyl ethers (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for chloroform ethers (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for DDT, (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for diphenylhydrazinw, (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for endrin, (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for ethylbenzene, (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for fluoranthene, (draft report final) / 1990
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for haloethers, (draft report final) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for hexachlorobutadiene / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for hexachlorocyclopentadiene / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for nitrophenols / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for phenol, (draft final report) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for phthalate esters, (draft final report) / 1989
Ambient water quality criteria document addendum for toxaphene / 1989
Ambient Water Quality Criteria Document: Addendum for 2,4-Dichlorophenol. 1989
Ambient Water Quality Criteria Document: Addendum for Carbon Tetrachloride. 1989
Ambient Water Quality Criteria Document: Addendum for Chlordane. 1989
Ambient Water Quality Criteria Document: Addendum for Heptachlor. 1989
Ambient Water Quality Criteria Document: Addendum for Nitrosamines. 1989
An assessment of the SBIR program / 2008
An experiment in zero-base budget analysis : fiscal 1978 / 1977
An overview : Office of Research and Development, strategic plan. 2001
An overview inquiry of the Office of Research and Development of the Environmental Protection Agency : a report / 1974
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