Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 524
Showing: Items 201 - 250

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Select Item Title Year Published
Guide to the NITRD program, FY 2004 - FY 2005 : supplement to the President's budget for FY 2005 / 2004
Guidelines for Water Reuse, 2012. 2012
Guides for quality assurance in environmental health research : Health Effects Research Laboratory, Research Triangle Park, North Carolina / 1979
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1983
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1989
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1990
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1986
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports / 1978
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports. 1995
Handbook for preparing Office of Research and Development reports. 1995
Hazardous waste research locator. 1987
Health effects research program : fiscal years 1974-1978 summary / 1979
Health Effects Research Program, Fiscal Year 1975-1977. 1977
Human health risk assessment : strategic research action plan / 2016
Human viruses in the aquatic environment : a status report with emphasis on the EPA research program : report to Congress / 1978
IEA Coal Research report. 0
Igniting leadership at all levels to ensure the Earth's vitality : a series of instructional videos about ORD's leadership journey / 2005
Implementation of ORD strategic research plans : a joint report of the Science Advisory Board and ORD Board of Scientific Counselors / 2012
In situ steam enhanced recovery process : SITE technology capsule. 1995
Incentives for Research and Development in Pest Control Volume II. Appendices. 1976
Incentives for Research and Development in Pest Control. Volume I. 1976
Incinerability Ranking Systems for RCRA Hazardous Constituents. 1990
Indexed bibliography of Office of Research and Development reports / 1974
Indexed bibliography of Office of Research and Development reports updated to January 1975, 1975
Industrial wastewater. 1980
Influence of biogenic emissions estimates on ozone precursor control requirements for Atlanta. {microfiche}/ by R.D. Scheffe and C.L. Gipson, et al... 1990
Information Transfer in the Office of Research and Development. 1979
Initial Submission: Letter from (Confidential Source) to USEPA Reporting Preliminary Results of Rat Acute Oral Toxicity Study with (Confidential), a Substituted Benzazole, dated 08/18/1999. (Sanitized). 1999
Initial Submission: Letter from Confidential Source to USEPA Reporting Results of 28-Day Dietary Toxicity Study in Purebred Beagle Dogs with (Confidential), A Substituted Aroyl Ester, Dated 12/09/1999. (Sanitized). 1999
Initial Submission: Letter from Confidential Source to USEPA Reporting Results of Two Environmental Effects of (Confidential), a Functionalized Polymethine Infra Red Absorber, dated 12/20/1999. (Sanitized). 1999
Initial Submission: TSCA Health and Safety Study Cover Sheet w/Continuation Sheet re: Results of Rat Pilot Teratology Study with CMC (Confidential), Benzimidazolyl Heterocycle, dated 12/22/1999. (Sanitized). 1999
Innovation and research for a clean environment : National Center for Environmental Research 2002 Report. 2003
Innovation and research for a clean environment : National Center for Environmental Research 2002 Report. 2003
Innovation at the Environmental Protection Agency : a decade of progress / 2000
Innovative hazardous waste treatment technologies : a developer's guide to support services. 1991
Interagency report on orbital debris, 1995. 1995
Interlaboratory Study of Cellular Fluorescence Intensity Measurements with Fluorescein-Labeled Microbead Standards. 1991
Kraft Bleach Plants Increase Use of Hydrogen Peroxide as Benefits Mount. 1990
Letter from Glycol Chemical Incorporated to USEPA regarding Summary of Toxicological Data on Three Related Halogenated Dimethylhydantoin Derivatives. 1981
Long-Range Research Agenda 1990-1994. 1990
Macrodispersion and spatial variability of hydraulic conductivity in a sand and gravel aquifer, Cape Cod, Massachusetts / 1991
Maintaining Soil Processes for Plant Productivity and Community Dynamics. 1995
Management of hazardous industrial wastes : research and development needs : report / 1983
Managing scientists : leadership strategies in research and development / 1995
Marine Debris Survey Manual. 1991
Membrane-Mediated Extraction and Biodegradation of Volatile Organic Compounds From Air. 2005
Membrane-Mediated Extraction and Biotreatment of VOCs. 1998
Memoranda of agreement and procedures for working on federal lands of the USDA / 1970
Memorandum of understanding between ORD and OERR. 1990
Mercury Research Strategy, September 2000. 2000
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