Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 11
Showing: Items 1 - 11
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Quimica Inorganica)

Select Item Title Year Published
Advanced inorganic chemistry. 1999
Aluminium in food and the environment : the proceedings of a symposium / 1989
Aquametry : a treatise on methods for the determination of water / 1977
Chemistry of the elements / 1997
Geomicrobiology : interactions between microbes and minerals / 1997
Handbook of inorganic compounds / 1995
Inorganic chemistry : principles of structure and reactivity / 1993
Inorganic chromium(III) compounds / 2009
Inorganic materials chemistry desk reference / 1997
Spot tests in inorganic analysis / 1958
The elements on earth : inorganic chemistry in the environment / 1995

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