Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 17
Showing: Items 1 - 17
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Quaternary Geologic Period)

Select Item Title Year Published
Gastineau Channel formation : a composite glaciomarine deposit near Juneau, Alaska / 1973
Geologic framework for the Puget Sound aquifer system, Washington and British Columbia / 1999
Geomorphology and quaternary geologic history of the Lower Mississippi Valley / 1994
Glacial and Quaternary geology / 1971
Origin, extent, and thickness of Quaternary geologic units in the Willamette Valley, Oregon / 2001
Quaternary evolution of the Great Lakes / 1985
Quaternary geologic map of the Chesapeake Bay 4 Degrees x 6 Degrees quadrangle, United States / 1987
Quaternary geology of Long and Bear Valleys, west-central Idaho : Late Cenozoic Basin-and-Range-type faulting and late Quaternary mountain-valley glaciation controlled the origin and distribution of radioactive placer deposits containing monazite and euxenite / 1970
Quaternary geomorphic surfaces on the northern Perris Block, Riverside County, California : interrelationship of soils, vegetation, climate and tectonics / 1982
Quaternary paleoseismology and stratigraphy of the Yucca Mountain area, Nevada / 2004
Quaternary stratigraphy, cross sections, and general geohydrologic potential of the Bow and Alger 7.5-miute quadrangles, western Skagit County, Washington / 1998
Reconstructing Quaternary environments / 1984
Results of hydrogeologic studies of the Cypress Swamp Formation, Delaware / 2002
Soils and geomorphology / 1984
The battle for North Carolina's coast : evolutionary history, present crisis, and vision for the future / 2011
The Cypress Swamp Formation, Delaware / 2000
The Pliocene and Quaternary deposits of Delaware : palynology, ages, and paleoenvironments / 1999

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