Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pyrethrins)

Select Item Title Year Published
Alpha-cypermethrin 1992
Cyhalothrin. 1990
Cypermethrin health and safety guide. 1989
Cypermethrin. 1989
D-Phenothrin. 1990
Deltamethrin. 1990
Draft toxicological profile for pyrethrins and pyrethroids / 2001
Effects of pesticides on the immune response / 1979
Effects of Sediment-Bound Residues of the Pyrethroid Insecticide Fenvalerate on Survival and Reproduction of Meiobenthic Copepods. 1990
Evaluation of saliva and artificial salivary fluids for removal of pesticide residues from human skin / 2000
October 20-21, 2009 EPA human studies review board meeting report. 2009
Permethrin health and safety guide. 1989
Permethrin. 1990
Pesticide fact sheet number 221 : sumithrin / 1987
Pesticide Regulation (PR) Notice 94-6. Notice to Manufacturers, Producers, Formulators, and Registrants of Pesticide Products: Pesticide Products Registered for Use on Humans to Control Lice (Pediculicides). 1994
Pyrethroid Effects on Schedule-Controlled Behavior: Time and Dosage Relationships (Journal Version). 1987
Pyrethroid Insecticides and Radioligand Displacement from the GABA Receptor Chloride Ionophore Complex. 1987
Pyrethroid Insecticides and the gamma-Aminobutyric Acid (Alpha) Receptor Complex: Motor Activity and the Acoustic Startle Response in the Rat (Journal Version). 1987
Pyrethrum flowers : production, chemistry, toxicology, and uses / 1995
Resmethrins resmethrin, bioresmethrin, cisresmethrin. 1989
Resmethrins--resmethrin, bioresmethrin, cisresmethrin. 1989
Round-robin testing of methods for collecting dislodgeable residues from carpets / 1997
Synthetic pyrethroids : a symposium sponsored by the Division of Pesticide Chemistry at the 172nd meeting of the American Chemical Society, San Francisco, Calif., Aug. 30-31, 1976 / 1977
Tetramethrin. 1990
The Pyrethroid insecticides / 1985
Toxicological profile for pyrethrins and pyrethroids 2003
Utility of a Neurobehavioral Screening Battery for Differentiating the Effects of Two Pyrethroids, Permethrin and Cypermethrin. 1993

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