Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 4
Showing: Items 1 - 4
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pumped storage power plants Environmental aspects Michigan Lake)

Select Item Title Year Published
Effects of the Ludington Pumped Storage Power Project of fish passage through pump-turbines and on fish behavioral patterns. Part II, Movement patterns and orientation of fishes in the Ludington Pumped Storage Reservoir as revealed by tracking studies An evaluation of mortality incurred by fish passing through pump-turbines at the Ludington Pumped Storage Power Plant : 1976
Multiple regression analysis of yellow perch yields near the Ludington Pumped Storage Reservoir 1974
Nearshore zooplankton of Lake Michigan adjacent to the Ludington pumped-storage reservoir 1975
Study of the effects of installing and operating a large pumped storage project on the shores of Lake Michigan near Ludington, Michigan : 1974 annual report, volume I, fisheries research / 1975

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