Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Pulp mills Environmental aspects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Bench-scale dioxin treatability study for pulp and paper wastewaters / by Radian Corporation. 1991
Compilation of 'air toxic' and total hydrocarbon emissions data for sources at chemical wood pulp mills. 1995
Compilation of speciated reduced sulfur compound and total reduced sulfur emissions data for kraft mill sources 2002
Ecological baseline and monitoring study for Port Gardner and adjacent waters a summary report for the years 1972 through 1975 / 1976
Field inspection notebook for monitoring total reduced sulfur (TRS) from kraft pulp mills / 1984
Handbook on pollution prevention opportunities for bleached kraft pulp and paper mills / 1993
Kraft pulp mill inspection guide / 1983
Literature search for pulp and paper dioxin removal treatability / by Radian Corporation. 1991
Marine chronic bioassays : technical evaluations and effluent responses with the echinoderm sperm/egg test. 1992
Marine chronic bioassays technical evaluations and effluent responses with the bivalve embryo/larval test. 1992
Multimedia assessment of pollution potentials of non-sulfur chemical pulping technology / 1979
Pulp, paper, and paperboard industry--background information for proposed air emissions standards : manufacturing processes at kraft, sulfite, soda, and semi-chemical mills / 1993
Risk assessment for 2378-TCDD and 2378-TCDF contaminated receiving waters from U.S. chlorine-bleaching pulp and paper mills 1990
Risk assessment for 2378-TCDD and 2378-TCDF contaminated receiving waters from U.S. chlorine-bleaching pulp and paper mills / 1990
Toxicity reduction and toxicity identification evaluation response manual 2002
Training manual on the basic technology of the pulp and paper industry and its waste reduction practices / 1974

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