Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 361
Showing: Items 351 - 361
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Puerto Rico)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Water resources of the Humacao-Naguabo area, eastern Puerto Rico 1989
Water resources of the Jobos area, Puerto Rico : a preliminary appraisal, 1962 / 1972
Water resources of the lower Rio Grande de Arecibo alluvial valley, Puerto Rico 1986
Water resources of the lower Rio Grande de Manati Valley, Puerto Rico / 1984
Water resources of the North Coast Limestone area, Puerto Rico 1976
Water resources of the Sabana Seca to Vega Baja area, Puerto Rico 1984
Water supply and waste disposal, Culebra, Puerto Rico 1976
Water wells in Puerto Rico 1964
Water wells on Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico 1995
We fed an island : the true story of rebuilding Puerto Rico, one meal at a time / 2018
Wetland creation and restoration : the status of the science / 1989
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