Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Public land)

Select Item Title Year Published
Accomplishment Plan: Achievement of Federal Facilities Compliance with Standards. 1972
Administrative procedures and the public lands / 1969
America's public lands: politics, economics, and administration; {papers} 1972
Chemical and Biological Character of Rio Grande Water in the Bosque Del Apache Wildlife Refuge. 1973
EPA Journal, Volume 18, No. 4, September/October 1992. Post-Rio: The Challenge at Home. 1992
Ferryboat, Ellis Island, Transport to Hope. Statue of Liberty National Monument. 1969
Final report on environmental aspects of the new-source NPDES permit program for the West Virginia surface coal mining industry, 1977-1980. 1977
Gunnison Gorge National Conservation Area: draft resource management plan and environmental impact statement 2003
Little Snake Resource Management Plan and Final Environmental Impact Statement Moffat Rio Blanco and Routt Counties, Colorado 1986
Management and Administration of Ground Water in Interstate and International Aquifers. Phase I. 1970
News Notes, Number 22: The Condition of the Environment and the Control of Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution. 1992
News-Notes Number 21: The Condition of the Environment and the Nonpoint Sources of Water Pollution. 1992
No place distant : roads and motorized recreation on America's public lands / 2002
Northeast Oregon Assembled Land Exchange (NOALE) and environmental impact statement 1997
Proposed Wastewater Treatment Facilities, South Shore Lake Tahoe Basin. Draft Environmental Impact Statement. 1979
Public access strategy : an agreement commitment report from the Chesapeake Executive Council. 1988
Report on the Mapping of Publicly-Owned Land in the Tampa Bay Watershed. 1996
Sanitary Survey of Drinking Water Systems on Federal Water Resource Developments. A Pilot Study. 1971
Submerged and Submersible Lands of Oregon. 1970
Wastewater Treatment - Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly Owned Facilities, 1982 Needs Survey. Technical Policy and Procedures Categories I-V. 1982
Watershed Planning. 1972
What's ahead for our public lands? : a summary review of the activities and final report of the Public Land Law Review Commission / 1970

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