Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
1989 Summary of state radon programs. 1990
1990 Federal Facilities Conference, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Region III : synopsis / 1991
2001 EPA nationwide facilities guide / 2001
Adding value to the facility acquisition process : best practices for reviewing facility designs / 2000
Additional analysis of data collected in the asbestos in building survey : draft final report / 1987
Asbestos in federal buildings : federal efforts to protect employees from potential exposure : report to the Chairman, Committee on Governmental Affairs, U.S. Senate / 1992
Asbestos in schools / 1981
Asbestos-in-Buildings Technical Bulletin: Abatement of Asbestos-Containing Pipe Insulation. 1986
Assessing asbestos exposure in public buildings / 1988
At a Glance : Early Warning Report: Main EPA Headquarters Warehouse in Landover, Maryland, Requires Immediate EPA Attention. 2013
BOMA International's ADA compliance guidebook : a checklist for your building : meeting Title III provisions of the American with Disabilities Act : public accommodations and commercial facilities / 1992
Building better buildings : a blueprint for sustainable state facilities / 2001
Building better buildings : an update on State sustainable building initiatives / 2003
Comparative Analysis of Residential Water Use in Puerto Rico. 1972
Developing Guidance for Considering Cost-Effectiveness When Selecting and Designing IAQ Control Approaches. 1998
Distributions of industrial and commercial-institutional external combustion boilers / 1975
Early warning report : main EPA headquarters warehouse in Landover, Maryland requires immediate EPA attention / 2013
Employee security GSA has no criteria for assessing adequacy : report to the Chairman, Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, Committee on Energy and Commerce, House of Representatives / 1987
Energizing EPA : Leading by Example: New RTP Campus Is a Model of Sustainability. 2002
Energy design guidelines for high performance schools : cold and humid climates. 2002
Energy design guidelines for high performance schools : cool and humid climates. 2002
Energy Star buildings & Green Lights update. 1995
EPA can further reduce space in under-utilized facilities / 2013
EPA nationwide facilities guide 2005. 2005
EPA study of asbestos-containing materials in public buildings : a report to Congress / 1988
Federal building and parking facility, Norfolk, Virginia : final environmental impact statement / 1975
Federal Facilities Compliance Assistance. 1999
Federal facilities streamlined oversight directive / 1996
Federal facility pollution prevention project analysis : primer for applying life cycle and total cost assessment concepts / 1995
Federal solid waste study for the metropolitan Washington region. 1994
Final report of the Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee : consensus principles and recommendations for improving federal facilities cleanup. 1996
Florida Large Building Study: Polk County Administration Building. 1997
Gifts presented by members for the headquarters of WMO = Dons offerts par les membres pour le siege de l'OMM. 1963
Greening EPA : a look at agencywide environmental progress. 1999
Greening EPA : the Architecture, Engineering, and Real Estate Branch's greening activities. 2001
Greening EPA. 1999
Greening federal facilities : an energy, environmental, and economic resource guide for federal facilities managers / 1997
GSA/EPA pilot asbestos program : final report for Task 1-22 / 1988
Guidance for controlling asbestos-containing materials in buildings / 1985
Guidance on accelerating CERCLA environmental restoration at federal facilities / 1994
Homeland security : actions needed to better protect national icons and federal office buildings from terrorism : report to the Chairman, Committee on Government Reform, House of Representatives. 2005
IESNA guidelines for upgrading lighting systems in commercial and institutional spaces / 2007
Indoor air quality guide : best practices for design, construction, and commissioning. 2009
Indoor air quality in public buildings / 1988
Indoor air quality in public buildings : volume I : project summary / 1988
Indoor pollutants / 1982
Interim report of the Federal Facilities Environmental Restoration Dialogue Committee : recommendations for improving the federal facility environmental restoration decision-making process and setting priorities in the event of funding shortfalls / 1993
Lead in drinking water in schools and non-residential buildings. 1994
Life safety code : code for safety to life from fire in buildings and structures / 2000
Life safety code code for safety to life from fire in buildings and structures / 1991
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