Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 10
Showing: Items 1 - 10
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Providence River)

Select Item Title Year Published
Annual Phytoplankton Metabolism in Narragansett Bay Calculated from Survey Field Measurements and Microcosm Oberservations. 1982
Microbial indicator levels in the Providence River and Upper Narragansett Bay : final report / 1990
Monitoring of the Providence and Seekonk Rivers for trace metals and associated parameters 1988
Organic Compounds in an Industrial Wastewater. Their Transport into Sediments. 1980
Providence River and harbor maintenance dredging project : draft environmental impact statement {and appendices} / 1998
Providence River and harbor maintenance dredging project : final environmental impact statement [and appendices] / 2001
Providence River toxicity testing wet/dry study 1991
Providence River wet weather current meter study data report 1991
Providence River wet weather dye study data report 1991
SPRAY cruise dissolved oxygen and chlorophyll 1988

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