Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 70
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Select Item Title Year Published
A Study of Proposed Ear Protection Devices for Low Frequency Noise Attenuation. 1975
An interpretative compilation of EPA studies related to coal quality and cleanability / 1974
Analysis of Full-Scale SBR (Sequencing Batch Reactor) Operation at Grundy Center, Iowa. 1987
Application of the electromagnetic borehole flowmeter 1998
Automated In Situ water quality sensor workshop February 14-16, 1978 / 1978
Coal Cleaning Plant Prototype Plant Design Drawings. Part 8. 1969
Coal Cleaning Plant Prototype Plant Specifications. Part 7. 1969
Commercial feasibility of an optimum residential oil burner head / 1976
Computational Modeling Issues in Next Generation Air Quality Models. 1994
Construction, monitoring, and performance of two soil liners : project summary / 1992
Cross-flow pervaporation for removal of VOCs from contaminated wastewater. 1994
Demonstration of void space storage with treatment and flow regulation / 1976
Design and testing of a prototype automatic sewer sampling system / 1976
Design, Construction, and Testing of a Commercial Prototype Disc Diluter. 1974
Design, development, and field test of a droplet measuring device / 1975
Design, Fabrication, and Preliminary Evaluation of Thermal and Hydraulic Performance of a Prototype Snap-8 Mercury Boiler. 1971
Development and Application of Borehole Flowmeters for Environmental Assessment. 1993
Development of a high seas oil recovery system : Phase II : prototype design, fabrication, and testing. Appendix III, Systems Tests. 1973
Development of a high seas oil recovery system. Phase II, Design studies and specifications. 1973
Development of a high seas oil recovery system. Phase II. Appendix II, Materials and component tests. 1973
Development of a high seas oil recovery system. Phase II. Appendix III, Systems tests. 1973
Development of a Prototype Search and Retrieval Network for Water Resource Information. 1973
Development of an Adjustable Buoyancy Balloon Tracer of Atmospheric Motion. Phase 2. Development of an Operational Prototype. 1985
Development of an Adjustable Buoyancy Balloon Tracer of Atmospheric Motion. Phase 3. Refinement of the Operational Prototype System. 1988
Development of Instrumentation for Measurement of Stationary Source Aldehyde, Organic Acid, and Amine Emissions. 1973
Development of instrumentation for quantitative collection of total atmospheric mercury from ambient air / 1973
Development of real-time monitors for gaseous formaldehyde / 1990
Energy-efficient refrigerator prototype test results. 1994
EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : advanced program : first progress report. 1975
EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : advanced program, second progress report / 1976
EPA alkali scrubbing test facility : summary of testing through October 1974 / 1975
Evaluation of 19 on-site waste treatment systems in southeastern Kentucky / 1980
Evaluation of Sulfur Capture Capability of a Prototype Scale Controlled-Flow/Split-Flame Burner. 1987
Experimental prototype oily wastewater treatment system. 1974
Expert Systems Show Promise for Customer Inquiries. Management and Operations. 1992
Field Evaluation of a Swirl Degritter at Tamworth, New South Wales, Australia. 1981
First International Symposium Field Screening Methods for Hazardous Waste Site Investigations : October 11-13, 1988 : symposium proceedings. 1989
Instrumentation for monitoring specific particulate substances in stationary source emissions / 1973
Low NOx Emission Combustor Development for Automobile Gas Turbine Engines. 1973
Mapping Sunken Pollutant Pools with Depth Finders. 1984
Minimization of water use in leafy vegetable washers. / 1977
Mobile stream diversion system for hazardous materials spills isolation 1981
NO2 Measuring System. 1974
Optically Powered Remote Gas Monitor. 1995
Overhead environmental monitoring with light utility aircraft : demonstration and evaluation of the system / 1978
Performance testing of oil MOP zero relative velocity oil skimmer / 1978
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons and Their Derivatives in Indoor and Outdoor Air in an Eight-Home Study. 1991
Proceedings of the International Lime/Limestone Wet-Scrubbing Symposium (2nd), Held in New Orleans, Louisiana on November 8-12, 1971. Volume II. 1972
Proceedings, Flue Gas Desulfurization Symposium : 1973 / 1973
Prototype Computer-Interactive Goundwater Monitoring Methodology: An Example for Sedimentation Ponds. 1983
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