Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 22
Showing: Items 1 - 22
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Prospecting Geophysical methods)

Select Item Title Year Published
Application of surface-geophysical methods to investigations of sand and gravel aquifers in the glaciated northeastern United States / 1995
Applied geophysics / 1976
Applied geophysics for geologists and engineers : the elements of geophysical prospecting 1981
Borehole sensing methods for ground-water investigations at hazardous waste sites / 1987
Earth resistivity and seismic refraction investigations in Santa Clara County, California. 1964
Geophysical and geochemical techniques for exploration of hydrocarbons and minerals 1980
Geophysical field theory and method / 1992
Geophysical methods for locating abandoned wells / 1984
Geophysical methods for locating abandoned wells / 1984
Geophysical techniques for hazardous waste site investigations / 1987
Geophysical techniques for hazardous waste site investigations / 1989
Geophysics applied to contaminant studies : papers presented at SAGEEP from 1988 to 2006 / 2006
Guidebook to the correlation of geophysical well logs within the St. Johns River Water Management District / 2001
High-resolution seismic reflection techniques for mapping coal seams from the surface 1976
Introduction to geophysical prospecting / 1988
NWWA conference on surface and borehole geophysical methods in ground water investigations, February 12-14, 1985, Fort Worth, Texas. 1985
Practical guide to borehole geophysics in environmental investigations 1997
Proceedings of the Twelfth International Conference, Applied Geologic Remote Sensing : practical solutions for real-world problems : 17-19 November 1997, Denver, Colorado, USA. 1997
Reconnaissance geophysics to locate major faults in clays 1989
Results of coal drilling projects in the Bighorn Basin, Wyoming / 1990
Results of coal drilling projects in the Wind River Coal Field, Wyoming / 1991
Use of a geographic information system to assist with studies of the availability and use of water in Kansas / 1992

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