Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 46
Showing: Items 1 - 46
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Programming languages)

Select Item Title Year Published
Additional techniques for estimating MOBILE2 variables. 1980
ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) : manual para usuarios. 1998
ALOHA (Areal Locations of Hazardous Atmospheres) user's manual for microsoft windows. 1992
AT123D: Analytical Transient One-, Two-, and Three-Dimensional Simulation of Waste Transport in the Aquifer System. 1985
Bioinformatics and computational biology solutions using R and Bioconductor / 2005
Biostatistics with R : an introduction to statistics through biological data / 2012
Building bioinformatics solutions : with Perl, R, and MySQL / 2009
CAMEO (Computer-Aided Management of Emergency Operations) user's manual for the Apple Macintosh. 1992
CDHS executive summary report / 1975
CDHS users bulletin. 1986
CDHS users bulletin. 1984
CLOGP3 : CLOGP3 user guide medChem software release 3.32. 1985
Comparative study of programming languages. 1967
Compiler generator 1970
Complex Systems Analysis of Water Quality Dynamics; The Feedback Systems Structure. 1970
Comprehensive data handling system (CDHS), emissions inventory subsystem program documentation / 1973
Comprehensive data handling system (CDHS), emissions inventory subsystem users guide. 1973
Comprehensive data handling system, air quality data handling subsystem (AQDHS-II) program, documentation and user's guide / 1977
Comprehensive data handling system, air quality data handling subsystem (AQDHS-II) program, documentation and user's guide. 1977
Comprehensive data handling system, emissions inventory/permits and registration subsystem (EIS/P & R) program documentation and users guide. 1975
Computer Programs in Hydrology. 1972
Development of an ADP Training Program to Serve the EPA Data Processing Community. 1976
Format for acquiring rapid data analysis capabilities of storet data : manipulation of National Eutrophication Survey water quality data / 1976
GAMS user's guide 1985
High-level languages and their compilers 1989
INFO reference manual : revision 9.0 1983
Initial Mixing Characteristics of Municipal Ocean Discharges. 1985
Learning the Korn shell / 1993
Mastering Perl / 2014
Microsoft Access 2010 VBA macro programming / 2011
Mixed-effects models in S and S-PLUS / 2000
Model State Information System for the Safe Drinking Water Program. Volume III: Data Element Dictionary. Definition of System Requirements. 1976
Modern applied biostatistical methods using S-Plus / 1998
New S language a programming environment for data analysis and graphics / 1988
POEM: Pesticide Orchard Ecosystem Model. 1983
Practical pharmaceutical laboratory automation 2003
Program instar: an information storage and retrieval system user's manual / 1972
Programming Perl / 1996
Python for data analysis / 2013
Python scripting for ArcGIS / 2013
Selected Microcomputer Programs for Water Quality Assessments (Experimental). 1984
Statistics in toxicology using R / 2016
Surface II graphics system 1975
The design and analysis of computer algorithms / 1974
Ultraviolet-Visible Spectrophotometer Automation System. Part III: Program Documentation. 1982
User's Guide to the BOOM1 Model. 1976

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