Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 75
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Programmed Instruction)

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Select Item Title Year Published
A programmed text in statistics / 1975
A review of biostatistics : a program for self-instruction / 1978
A workbook of screening techniques for assessing impacts of toxic air pollutants / 1988
A Workbook of screening techniques for assessing impacts of toxic air pollutants / 1988
Abatement and pollution control training and educational programs / 0
Adobe Photoshop 5.5. 1999
Air Pollution Training Institute Curriculum Description and Recommendations. Volume II. Curriculum Recommendations. 1973
Application of programmed learning techniques to water chemistry 1968
Apply pesticides correctly : a programmed instruction learning program for private applicators. 1976
APTI course 413, control of particulate emissions : student workbook. {microfiche} / 1991
APTI course 415, control of gaseous emissions : instructors guide {microfiche} / 1990
APTI course 415, control of gaseous emissions : student manual / 1981
APTI course 415, control of gaseous emissions : student manual {microfiche} / 1990
APTI course SI:412 baghouse plan review : student guidebook / 1982
APTI Course SI:412B electrostatic precipitator plan review : self-instructional guidebook / 1983
APTI Course SI:412D control of gaseous and particulate emissions : self-instructional workbook / 1984
Asbestos toxicity 1990
Atomic absorption and plasma spectroscopy 1997
Beginning organic chemistry 1997
Beryllium toxicity / 1992
Case studies in environmental medicine (CSEM) lead toxicity/ 2000
Cataloging concepts descriptive cataloging / 1993
Chromium toxicity / 2001
Criteria for the Establishment and Maintenance of Two Year Post High School Wastewater Technology Training Programs. Volume I. Program Criteria. 1970
Designing organic syntheses : a programmed introduction to the synthon approach 1978
Developing positive assertiveness / 1988
Environmental analysis 1994
Forest hydrology : programed instruction / 1973
Gas chromatography 1987
Getting to know ArcGIS desktop : basics of ArcView, ArcEditor, and ArcInfo / 2004
How to write effective reports. 1965
Infrared spectroscopy 1987
Introduction to ArcView : two-day course notebook with exercises and training data. 1994
Introduction to epidemiology : a programmed text 1975
Introduction to FORTRAN; a program for self-instruction 1964
Introduction to ground-water hydraulics : a programmed text for self-instruction / 1976
Introduction to indoor air quality : a self-paced learning module / 1991
Introduction to probability and statistics / 1975
Mass spectrometry. 1999
Mathematics for engineers and scientists; a students' course book 1973
Measurement, statistics, and computation 1987
Medical terminology : a short course / 2015
Methanol toxicity 1992
Microcomputer software system for generating population statistics from electrofishing data : user's guide for MicroFish 3.0 / 1989
Modern infrared spectroscopy 1996
Naming organic compounds : a programed introduction to organic chemistry / 1976
Operation and maintenance of wastewater collection systems : a field study training program / 2010
Operation of wastewater treatment plants : a field study training program / 1998
Operation of wastewater treatment plants : a field study training program / 1988
Operation of wastewater treatment plants: a field study training program, 1977
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