Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 45
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Select Item Title Year Published
Atmospheric emissions from chlor-alkali manufacture. Cooperative study project: Manufacturing Chemists' Association and Public Health Service. 1971
Baseline Measurement Test Results for the Cat-Ox Demonstration Program. 1973
Cannery Wastewater Treatment with Rotating Biological Contractor and Extended Aeration. 1973
Characterization of the Activated Sludge Process. 1973
Chemical Desulfurization of Coal: Report of Bench-Scale Developments. Volume 1. 1973
Conceptual Design and Cost Study. Sulfur Oxide Removal from Power Plant Stack Gas. Magnesia Scrubbing, Regeneration: Production of Concentrated Sulfuric Acid. 1973
Construction of a Chemical-Microbial Pilot Plant for Production of Single-Cell Protein from Cellulosic Wastes. 1971
Controlling Factors in Methane Fermentation. 1964
Denitrification by Anaerobic Filters and Ponds. Phase II. 1971
Development of a Chemical Denitrification Process. 1970
Efficacy of the Complete Mix Activated Sludge Process in Modular Mode. 1972
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Research and Development Activities with Oxygen Aeration. 1972
Experimental Conditions in the Study of the Physiological Ecology of Activated Sludge. 1967
Field Investigation of Emissions from Combustion Equipment for Space Heating (Data Supplement). 1973
Field Investigation of Emissions from Combustion Equipment for Space Heating. 1973
Fluidized Bed Clarification as Applied to Wastewater Treatment. 1972
Hypochlorite Generator for Treatment of Combined Sewer Overflows. 1972
Industrial Chemicals Solid Waste Generation. The Significance of Process Change, Resource Recovery, and Improved Disposal. 1974
Kinetics of algal systems in waste treatment : Field studies / 1971
Kinetics of algal systems in waste treatment Ammonia-nitrogen as a growth-limiting factor and other pertinent topics / 1970
Kinetics of algal systems in waste treatment. Phoshorus as a growth-limiting factor, part I. 1970
Localized Study of Gray Iron Foundries to Determine Business and Technical Commonalities Conducive to Reducing Abatement Costs. 1972
Mathematical Model for Aerobic Digestion 1973
Microbial Release of Soluble Phosphate in an Activated Sludge Environment. 1971
Nitrate and Nitrite Volatilization by Microorganisms in Laboratory Experiments. 1973
Nitrification and Denitrification Facilities. 1971
Operational control procedures for the activated sludge process / 1973
Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process. Part I - Observations. Part II - Control Tests. 1978
Operational Control Procedures for the Activated Sludge Process. Part III-B. Calculation Procedures for Step-Feed Process Responses. 1975
Optimal Procedures for the Processing of Waste Activated Sludge. 1973
Proceedings, Coal Combustion Seminar, June 19-20, 1973, Research Triangle Park, N.C. 27711 / 1973
Process Alternatives for Removal of Carbonaceous, Nitrogenous, and Phosphorus Materials from Concentrated Waste Streams. 1970
Reduction of Atmospheric Pollution by the Application of Fluidized-Bed Combustion. 1974
Reduction of Atmospheric Pollution. Volume 2. Appendices 1-3. 1971
Restoration of Beaches Contaminated by Oil. 1972
Short Course Proceedings: Applications of Computer Programs in the Preliminary Design of Wastewater Treatment Facilities; Section I. Workshop Lectures. 1978
Single Cell Proteins from Cellulosic Wastes. 1973
Single-Cell Protein from Waste Cellulose. 1973
State of the Art for Controlling NOx Emissions, Part I. Utility Boilers. 1972
Studies on the Methanogenic Bacteria in Sludge. 1968
Study of Characterization and Control of Air Pollutants from a Fluidized-Bed Combustion Unit. The Carbon-Burnup Cell. 1972
Systematic field study of NOx emission control methods for utility boilers / 1971
Three Sludge System for Nitrogen and Phosphorus Removal. 1972
Treatment of Ferrous Acid Mine Drainage with Activated Carbon. 1973
Whey Effluent Packed Tower Trickling Filtration. 1971

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