Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Stack Test Results at Phelps-Dodge Corporation, Ajo, Arizona. Volume III. 1977
Stack tests at Kennecott Copper Corp., Hayden, Arizona Smelter / 1977
Stagnation time, composition, pH, and orthophosphate effects on metal leaching from brass / 1996
Standard Evaluation Procedure: End-Use Product Review. 1992
Standard Method of Test for Gamma Spectrometry of Water. ASTM-D-2459-72. 1973
Standard operating procedure for field analysis of lead in paint, bulk dust, and soil by ultrasonic, acid digestion and colorimetric measurement / 1993
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation materials for lead in paint / 1994
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation matierals for lead in dust / 1995
Standard operating procedure for preparation of method evaluation matierals for lead paint 1994
Standard Operating Procedure for Quality Assurance in Analytical Chemistry Methods Development. 2004
Standard Operating Procedure for the Field Analysis of Lead in Dust Collected by Vacuum and on Wipes by Ultrasonic, Acid Digestion, and Colorimetric Measurement. 1998
Standard Operating Procedure for the Laboratory Analysis of Lead in Paint, Bulk Dust, and Soil by Ultrasonic, Acid Digestion and Inductively Coupled Plasma Emission Spectrometric Measurement. 1997
Standard Operating Procedure for the Preparation of Lead-Containing Paint Films and Lead-in-Paint Diagnostic Test Materials. 2009
Standard Operating Procedure for the Preparation of Spiked Sorbent Samples Using Flash Evaporation onto XAD-2. 1996
Standard Operating Procedure for the Preparation of Spiked Sorbent Samples Using Liquid Spiking onto XAD-2 (Trade Name). 1996
Standard operating procedures for conducting acute and chronic aquatic toxicity tests with Eurytemora affinis, a Calanoid copepod / 1998
Standard Operating Procedures for Field Samplers 1988
Standard operating procedures for lead in paint by hotplate- or microwave-based acid digestions and atomic absorption or inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry / 1991
Standard operating procedures for measurement of lead in paint using the SCITEC MAP-3 X-ray fluorescence spectrometer / 1991
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : pipeline leak detection systems / 1990
Standard test procedures for evaluating leak detection methods : vapor-phase out-of-tank product detectors : final report. 1990
Standardization of method 11 at a petroleum refinery / 1977
Standardization of Method 11 at a Petroleum Refinery. Volume II. 1977
Standardizing Boom Test Procedures. 1984
Standards of performance for new stationary sources : a compilation as of August 1976 / 1976
State air pollution control programs : a profile report. 1992
State drinking water administrative penalty programs : an inventory of state practices / 1991
State participation in federal-lead removal actions. 1996
State program advisory #14. 1994
State Program Advisory Number Thirteen. 1994
State Reporting Guidance for Unregulated Contaminants. 1994
State Use of Alternative Financing Mechanisms in Environmental Programs. 1988
State-of-the-art procedures and equipment for internal inspection and upgrading of underground storage tanks / 1997
Statistical analysis of dissolved oxygen sampling procedures employed by the Annapolis Field Office / 1976
Statistical Analysis of the Spatial and Temporal Variability of the Ratio Chlorophyll A to Phytoplankton Cell Volume in Saginaw Bay, Lake Huron. 1978
Status of IERL-RTP environmental methodologies for fossil energy processes / 1978
Status of Semi-Continuous Monitoring Instrumentation for Gases and Water-Soluble Particle Components Needed for Diagnostic Testing of Ambient Air Quality. 2002
Status report #4 : stability of parts-per-billion hazardous organic cylinder gases and performance audit results of source test and ambient air measurement systems / 1988
Status report #7 : stability of organic audit materials and results of source test analysis audits / 1985
Storm Water Enforcement Strategy, FY 1994-1995. 1994
Storm Water Permit Application Workshop. 1991
Storm Water Permit Application Workshop: January-February 1991 1991
Storm water phase II compliance assistance guide. 2000
Storm water phase II direct final rule : amendment to requirements for National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for storm water discharges under Section 402(p)(6) of the Clean Water Act : direct final and proposed rule. 1995
Stormwater Management Ordinances for Local Governments. 1990
Stratified Reservoir Currents. Part I. Entering Streamflow Effects on Currents of a Density Stratified Model Reservoir. Part II. The Numac Method for Non-Homogeneous Unconfined Marker-And-Cell Calculations. 1969
Strawman II. Recommendations for a Regulatory Program for Mining Waste and Materials under Subtitle D of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act. 1990
STREAM: An Exposure Assessment Methodology for Agricultural Pesticide Runoff. 1992
Streamlining registration of antimicrobial pesticides : 1998-1999 EPA progress report. 1999
Structure and Performance of the Health Effects Institute. 1993
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