Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 27
Showing: Items 1 - 27
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Probabilits)

Select Item Title Year Published
An introduction to probability theory and its applications / 1950
An introduction to probability theory and its applications / 1957
An introduction to probability theory and its applications / 1968
An introduction to probability theory and mathematical statistics / 1976
Approximation theorems of mathematical statistics / 1980
Bootstrap methods and their application / 1997
Causality : models, reasoning, and inference / 2009
Continuous univariate distributions / 1994
Discrete distributions 1969
Discrete multivariate distributions / 1997
Elements of applied stochastic processes / 1972
Fundamentals of applied probability theory 1967
Handbook of the Poisson distribution 1967
Multivariate analysis 1972
Nonlinear parameter estimation / 1974
Philosophical theories of probability / 2000
Probabilistic risk analysis : foundations and methods / 2001
Probability and its engineering uses, 1965
Probability and measure / 1979
Probability and statistics; models for research 1971
Risk analysis : a quantitative guide / 2008
Statistical analysis of reliability and life-testing models : theory and methods / 1978
Statistical distributions. 1993
Stochastic tools in turbulence 1970
The chi-squared distribution 1969
The theory of storage. 1959
Theory of probability : a critical introductory treatment / 1974

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