Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
2-Pyrrolidinone : information review / 1985
A Guideline for graphic arts calculations. 1988
A manual of style : a guide to the basics of good writing / 1998
A manual of style : for authors, editors and copywriters. 1969
A survey of industrial arts printing in the United States / 1937
Achievements in source reduction and recycling for ten industries in the United States / 1991
Air emissions species manual microform / 1988
Air Pollutant Emission Factors. 1970
Alkyloxyethylene acetates : information review / 1983
Alternate VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities / 1992
Alternate VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities / 1992
Alternative control techniques document : offset lithographic printing, supplemental information based on public comment on draft control techniques guideline announced in Federa Register on November 8, 1993 / 1994
Alternative Low-VOC, Low Toxicity Cleanup Solvents For the Lithographic Printing Industry. 2004
Alternative Low-VOC, Low Toxicity Cleanup Solvents for the Screen Printing Industry. 2005
Alternative VOC control technique options for small rotogravure and flexography facilities : project summary / 1993
An Evaluation of flexographic inks on wide-web film : summary booklet. 2002
An experimental and modeling study of the photochemical reactivity of heatset printing oils / 1987
An experimental and modeling study of the photochemical reactivity of heatset printing oils / 1987
Announcing the New DfE Website at: 1997
ASM style manual for journals and books. 1991
Assessment of pollution prevention opportunities for five industries : final report / 1995
Atmospheric Emissions from Lead Typesetting Operations: Screening Study. 1976
Availability of uncoated printing and writing papers containing 30 percent postconsumer fiber / 1998
Benzidine, biphenylamines, and benzidine-based dyes : working draft / 1978
Best demonstrated control technology for graphic arts / 1991
Bright ideas : a guide to color printers for business graphics / 1993
C.I. Pigment Yellow 1 : information review / 1983
CBE style manual : a guide for authors, editors, and publishers in the biological sciences / 1983
CBE style manual. 1972
Changing face of government information : providing access in the twenty-first century / 2006
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : materials balance for dyes and pigments from benzidine and three benzidine derivatives : final report / 1981
Cleaner technologies substitutes assessment : executive summary : industry : screen printing ; use cluster : screen reclamation. 1994
Cleaner technologies substitutes assessment : industry : screen printing; use cluster : screen reclamation. 1994
Cleaner technologies substitutes assessment : lithographic blanket washes / 1997
Cleaner Technologies Substitutes Assessment: Lithographic Blanket Washes. 1997
Communication Product Standards Stylebook. 2009
Companion Document for the Conference on Waste Reduction for Industrial Air Toxic Emissions. Held in Greensboro, North Carolina on April 24-25, 1989. 1989
Control of Industrial VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions by Catalytic Incineration. Volume 1. Assessment of Catalytic Incineration and Competing Controls. 1984
Control of Industrial VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions by Catalytic Incineration. Volume 2. Final Report on Catalytic Incinerator Performance at Six Industrial Sites. 1984
Control of Industrial VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions by Catalytic Incineration. Volume 3. Catalytic Incinerator Performance at Industrial Site C-1. 1984
Control of Industrial VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions by Catalytic Incineration. Volume 4. Catalytic Incinerator Performance at Industrial Site C-2. 1984
Control of Industrial VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions by Catalytic Incineration. Volume 6. Catalytic Incinerator Performance at Industrial Site C-4. 1984
Control of Industrial VOC (Volatile Organic Compound) Emissions by Catalytic Incineration. Volume 9. Quality Assurance. 1984
Control of industrial VOC emissions by catalytic incineration : volume 5. catalytic incinerator performance at industrial site C-3 / 1984
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from full-web process-color heatset web offset lithographic printing plants / 1981
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from offset lithographic printing : draft / 1993
Control of volatile organic compound emissions from offset lithographic printing : draft / 1992
Control of volatile organic emissions from existing stationary sources / 1976
Control of volatile organic emissions from existing stationary sources : volume VIII : graphic arts - Rotogravure and flexography 1978
Control techniques guidelines for flexible package printing. 2006
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