Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 30
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Your Search: (SUBJECT=Prenatal exposure delayed effects)

Select Item Title Year Published
Birth, distress, and disease : placental-brain interactions / 2005
Comparative perinatal carcinogenesis 1984
Critical Prenatal Periods for Chlorambucil-Induced Functional Alterations of the Rat Kidney. 1987
Delayed Reproductive Effects Following Exposure to Toxic Chemicals during Critical Developmental Periods. 1989
Developmental Toxicity of Dinocap in the Mouse is not Due to Two Isomers of the Major Active Ingredients (Journal Version). 1987
Developmental toxicology : risk assessment and the future / 1990
Effects of Prenatal Administration of Azo Dyes on Testicular Development in the Mouse: A Structure Activity Profile of Dyes Derived from Bensidine, Dimethylbenzidine, or Dimethoxybenzidine. 1993
Effects of Prenatal Dexamethasone on Development of Ornithine Decarboxylase Activity in Brain and Peripheral Tissues of Rats. 1988
Effects of Prenatal Dexamethasone or Terbutaline Exposure on Development of Neural and Intrinsic Control of Heart Rate. 1989
Effects of Prenatal Nitrofen Exposure on Cardiac Structure and Function in the Rat. 1986
Evaluation of the Developmental Toxicity of Sodium Nitrite in Long-Evans Rats (Journal Version). 1987
Fetal Dexamethasone Exposure Impairs Cellular Development in Neonatal Rat Heart and Kidney: Effects on DNA and Protein in Whole Tissues. 1991
Functional Consequences of Prenatal Methylmercury Exposure: Effects on Renal and Hepatic Responses to Trophic Stimuli and on Renal Excretory Mechanisms. 1986
Functional Teratogens of the Rat Kidney. 1. Colchicine, Dinoseb, and Methyl Salicylate. 1988
Generations at risk : reproductive health and the environment / 1999
Handbook of behavioral teratology 1986
Kidney Morphology and Function in the Young of Rats Malnourished and Exposed to Nitrofen during Pregnancy. 1986
Neurotoxicity of prenatal carbon monoxide exposure 1987
Palatal Expression of TGFbeta Isoforms in Normal and Retinoic Acid-Treated Embryos. 1991
Perinatal and multigeneration carcinogenesis 1989
Postnatal Evaluation of Prenatal Exposure to p -Xylene in the Rat. 1986
Prenatal alpha-Difluoromethylornithine Treatment: Effects on Postnatal Renal Growth and Function in the Rat. 1989
Prenatal Dexamethasone Administration Disrupts the Pattern of Cellular Development in Rat Lung. 1989
Prenatal Exposure to Methylmercury Alters Development of Adrenergic Receptor Binding Sites in Peripheral Sympathetic Target Tissues. 1987
Prenatal exposure to toxicants : developmental consequences / 1994
Regulation of Postnatal beta-Adrenergic Receptor/Adenylate Cyclase Development by Prenatal Agonist Stimulation and Steroids: Alterations in Rat Kidney and Lung after Exposure to Terbutaline or Dexamethasone. 1990
Relationship between Abnormal Somite Development and Axial Skeletal Defects in Rats Following Heat Exposure. 1993
Renal Functional Teratogenesis Resulting from Adriamycin Exposure (Journal Version). 1986
Sensitivity to 3,3'-Iminodipropionitrile Differs for High- and Midfrequency Hearing Loss in the Developing Rat. 1993
Silent scourge : children, pollution, and why scientists disagree / 2003

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