Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 13
Showing: Items 1 - 13
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Preferences)

Select Item Title Year Published
Americans and GM food knowledge, opinion and interest in 2004 / {electronic publication} : 2004
Assessing customer preference and willingness to pay : a handbook for water utilities / 2011
Conditioned Flavor Aversions: Applications in Assessing the Efficacy of Chelators in the Treatment of Heavy-Metal Intoxication. 1987
Economic Valuation of Mortality Risk Reduction. Vol. I: A Stated Preference Approach. 2004
Effect of Price and Other Selected Variables on Water Consumption. 1973
Identification of Preferences in Hedonic Models. Volume 1 of Benefits Analysis Using Indirect or Imputed Market Methods. 1989
Peer review for the Consumer Vehicle Choice Model and documentation / 2012
Residential Environmental Preferences and Choice: Some Preliminary Empirical Results Relevant to Urban Form. 1971
Selection of prey by walleyes in the Ohio waters of the central basin of Lake Erie, 1985-1987 / 1992
Some Experiments in Quantitative Measurement of Landscape Quality. 1971
Stated Preference: What Do We Know. Where Do We Go. Proceedings. Session One. Theory and Design of Stated Preference Methods. Octomber 12-13, 2000. 2000
The omnivore's dilemma : a natural history of four meals / 2006
Why some like it hot : food, genes, and cultural diversity / 2004

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