Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
'Cost of Cleaning the Environment' Presented by the United States Environmental Protection Agency Held at Ambassador Hotel, Los Angeles, California on Friday, March 30, 1972. 1972
1976 needs survey : Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities, summaries of technical data (Categories I-IV). 1977
A regional-scale (1000 km) model of photochemical air pollution. Part 3, Tests of the numerical algorithms / 1985
A study of methods for reducing evaporative background hydrocarbon emissions from new vehicles / 1976
A water quality model for the South Platte River Basin / 1974
Ability of Standard Toxicity Tests to Predict the Effects of the Insecticide Diflubenzuron on Laboratory Stream Communities. 1982
Air Pollution Models as Descriptors of Cause-Effect Relationships. 1983
Air quality analysis workshop / 1975
Air Quality Analysis Workshop. Volume II. Executive Summary. 1976
Ambient versus predicted carbon monoxide levels / 1982
Analog Modeling to Determine the Fresh Water Availability on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. 1972
APOLLO Mission J1, Csm 112 Cryogenic Storage System Preflight Performance Report. 1971
Application of SAR Methods to Non-Congeneric Data Bases Associated with Carcinogenicity and Mutagenicity: Issues and Approaches. 1994
Applied time series analysis for the social sciences / 1980
Area Source Emission Inventory: Hamilton County, Tennessee, and Walker and Catoosa Counties, Georgia. Volume I. 1975
Assessing the risks of trace gases that can modify the stratosphere / 1987
Automated GIS watershed analysis tools for RUSLE/SEDMOD soil erosion and sedimentation modeling / 2005
Basic Study of Air Pollution Control Wet Scrubbers. 1961
Calculation of day-night levels (Ldn) resulting from highway traffic / 1982
Calculation of heat and mass transfer in the earth's crust : algorithms and programs = Metody rascheta teplo- i massoperenosa v zemnoi kore : algoritmy i programmy / 1981
Career Choices. 1975
Chemical technology and economics in environmental perspective : Task IV - potential worker and consumer exposures to nitrilotriacetic acid (NTA) in detergents : final report / 1979
Columbia River Thermal Effects Study. Volume II. Temperature Prediction Studies. 1971
Comparison of Geostatistical Methods for Estimating Virus Inactivation Rates in Ground Water. 1987
Comparison of highway noise prediction models / 1977
Comparison of Predicted and Experimental Wall Temperatures for a Cylindrical Ejector Exhaust Nozzle Operated with a Turbojet Gas Generator. 1971
Compilation of photochemical models' performance statistics for 11/94 ozone SIP applications. 1996
Computer Simulation of Ground Water Aquifers of the Coastal Plain of North Carolina. 1973
Computer-Automated Prediction of the Mutagenicity of Benzidine, 4,4(double prime)-Diaminoterphenyl, 4-Dimethylaminoazo-benzene and 4-Cyanodimethylaniline: Comparison with the Results of the Second UKEMS Collaborative Study. 1986
Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly-Owned Treatment Facilities, 1974 'Needs' Survey, Final Report to the Congress. 1975
Cost estimates for construction of publicly-owned wastewater treatment facilities : 1976 needs survey. 1977
Cost Estimates for Construction of Publicly-Owned Wastewater Treatment Facilities. Volume 3. Summaries of Technical Data for Combined Sewer Overflows and Stormwater Discharge. 1976 Needs Survey. 1977
Cubic Spline Smoothing: A Useful Tool for Curve Estimation. 1988
Delayed Yield and Unsaturated Flow Above a Falling Water Table. 1972
Density induced mixing in confined aquifers / 1972
Describing socioeconomic futures for climate change research and assessment : report of a workshop / 2010
Determining input variables for calculation of impact of new source performance standards / 1977
Determining Uncertainty in Physical Parameter Measurements by Monte Carlo Simulation. 1986
Developing Economic Impact Projection Models for the Fort Union Coal Region. 1977
Development of computerized emission projection and allocation system, phase 1 : preliminary feasibility study / 1976
Dimensionless Parameter Study of Groundwater Recharge. 1972
Documentation report : FWQA dynamic estuary model / 1970
Draft economic impact assessment for the proposed Toxic Substances Control Act (S.776). 1975
Earthquake hazard in Pennsylvania / 1989
Earthquake planning scenario for a magnitude 7.5 earthquake on the Hayward Fault in the San Francisco Bay area 1987
Economic Value of Streams for Fishing. 1969
Effects of Ozone on Crops. 1991
Effects of pathogenic and toxic materials transported via cooling device drift / 1979
Effects of Pathogenic and Toxic Materials Transported via Cooling Device Drift. Volume 2. Appendices. 1979
Emission Factors. 1969
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