Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Select Item Title Year Published
Methods used to estimate air pollutant emissions 1974, 1980, 1985, and 2000 : New Jersey - New York - Connecticut Air Quality Control Region. / 1977
Mississippi River - A Water Source for Texas: (Evaluation of a Proposed Water Diversion). 1973
Modeling Erosion under Future Climates with the WEPP Model. 2010
Models of the Interaction of Mortality and the Evolution of Risk Factor Distribution: A General Stochastic Process Formulation (Journal Version). 1988
Moisture Use Estimation and Relationship Between Moisture Use and Nitrogen Response in Winter Wheat. 1970
Monitoring to detect groundwater problems resulting from enhanced oil recovery / 1981
MPDA-1 : a meteorological processor for diffusion analysis : user's guide / 1986
Nationwide Urban Runoff Program USEPA (United States Environmental Protection Administration), Washington, DC. Evaluation of the Costs of Stormwater Management Pond Construction and Maintenance. 1983
Nebraska Droughts: A Study of Their Past Chronological and Spatial Extent with Implications for the Future. 1971
Non-Point Source Studies on Chesapeake Bay. II. Nutrients in Land Runoff from Rhode River Watersheds in 1975 and 1976. 1977
North Carolina air quality maintenance area analysis / 1976
North Carolina Air Quality Maintenance Area Analysis. Volume II. TSP Point Source Emission Inventories, TSP Monitoring Data and Meteorological Data for Charlotte, Winston-Salem, and Greensboro AQMA's for 1973, 1975, 1980, and 1985. 1976
NPDES compliance flow measurement manual / 1981
Observational Batteries and Motor Activity. 1986
Open Space as an Air Resource Management Measure. Volume III: Demonstration Plan (St. Louis, Mo.). 1977
Optimal Plans for the Capacity Expansion of a Municipal Water Treatment-Distribution System. 1971
Optimum N:P Ratios and Coexistence of Planktonic Algae (Journal Version). 1980
Part I. Controlling the Soil Moisture Environment of Transpiring Plants. Part II. Prediction of Leaf Temperature Under Natural Atmospheric Conditions. 1970
Performance of Environmentally Friendly CFC-12 Replacements for Refrigerator/Freezers. 1995
Permeation of Multifunctional Acrylates through Three Protective Clothing Materials. 1992
Perspective on Potential Radiation Hazards. 1969
Planning scenario for a major earthquake on the Newport-Inglewood fault zone 1988
Pollution Prediction Techniques for Waste Disposal Siting; A State-of-the-Art Assessment. 1978
Precipitation scavenging of fossil-fuel effluents / 1976
Predicting attenuation of viruses during percolation in soils / 2002
Predicting attenuation of viruses during percolation in soils / 2002
Predicting Peak Flow of Small Watersheds by Use of Channel Characteristics. 1972
Predicting soil erosion by water : a guide to conservation planning with the revised universal soil loss equation (RUSLE) / 1997
Predicting the effectiveness of chemical-protective clothing : model and test method development / 1986
Prediction of Dynamometer Power Absorption to Simulate Light Duty Vehicle Road Load. 1977
Prediction of Octanol/Water Partition Coefficient (K sub ow) with Algorithmically Derived Variables. 1992
Prediction of Retention Times in Temperature-Programmed Multichromatography. 1991
Prediction of Seasonal-Low Streamflow Quantities. 1971
Prediction of selectivity for activated carbon adsorption of trace organic (homologue) contaminants / 1985
Prediction of Unsaturated Flow Rates From Physical Properties of the Porous Medium. 1970
Prediction theory for finite populations / 1992
Predictive Techniques for Water Quality: Inorganics. 1962
Preliminary guidance for estimating erosion on areas disturbed by surface mining activities in the interior western United States, interim final report / 1977
Probabilistic Exposure Assessment for Children Who Contact CCA-Treated Playsets and Decks Using the Stochastic Human Exposure and Dose Simulation Model for the Wood Preservative Exposure Scenario (SHEDS-Wood). 2005
Probabilistic Risk Assessment for Children Who Contact CCA-Treated Playsets and Decks. 2008
Propeller Tests in the Large Sonic Wind Tunnel of Modane- Avrieux. 1970
Psychrometric Data Patterns and Prediction Models. 1973
Radiofrequency radiation levels and population exposure in urban areas of the Eastern United States / 1978
Recent eruptive history of Mount Hood, Oregon, and potential hazards from future eruptions : an assessment of expectable kinds of future eruptions and their possible effects on human lives and property based on Mount Hood's eruptive behavior during the last 15,000 years / 1980
Reflections on 25 years of analysis, diagnosis, and prediction / 2004
Relativistic Rocketry and the Requirements for Interstellar Flight. 1970
Reuse of Water in Manufacturing: An Explanatory Economic Model with Data Analysis. 1972
Review of Numerical Models for Predicting the Energy Deposition and Resultant Thermal Response of Humans Exposed to Electromagnetic Fields. 1984
Review of the GAPP science and implementation plan / 2005
Sediment and Soil Loss in Illinois: Summary. 1978
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