Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

Items Found: 16
Showing: Items 1 - 16
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Predation Biology)

Select Item Title Year Published
A preliminary model for consumer predation / 1971
Biomass spectrum : a predator-prey theory of aqautic production / 2001
Carrion ecology, evolution, and their applications / 2016
Carson factor 1979
Diel predator-prey interactions between shiner perch and Caprella californica, relative to caprellid distribution upon Zostera marina 1995
Effects of size-selective predation on community structure in laboratory aquatic microcosms / 1972
Experimental studies of fitness as measured by vulnerability to predation / 1955
Fish predation on dungeness crab in Padilla Bay, Washington 1991
Mathematical models of plant-herbivore interactions / 2018
Mathematical models of plant-herbivore interactions / 2018
Predation and freshwater communities 1980
Predator-prey systems in fisheries management : International Symposium on Predator-Prey Systems in Fish Communities and their Role in Fisheries Management, Atlanta, Georgia, July 24-27, 1978 / 1979
Predatory behavior of some shore fishes in the Gulf of California, 1968
Studies on intertidal and subtidal benthos, fish and water quality in Bellingham Bay / 2005
The wolf's tooth : keystone predators, trophic cascades, and biodiversity / 2010
Wolves, bears, and their prey in Alaska : biological and social challenges in wildlife management / 1997

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