Search Results for the EPA National Library Catalog

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Showing: Items 151 - 200
Your Search: (SUBJECT=Precipitation Chemistry)

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Select Item Title Year Published
Hydrologic Control of Lake Susceptibility to Acidification. 1983
Improved liquid-solids separation by an aluminum compound in activated sludge treatment / 1975
Improved Manual Method for NOx Emission Measurement. 1972
Inputs of phosphorus from precipitation to Lake Michigan / 1975
Intensive studies of stream fish populations in Maine / 1990
Interim radiochemical methodology for drinking water / 1976
International Commission on Radiological Protection No. 23. : report of the Task Group on Reference Man : a report / 1975
International Sulfur Deposition Model Evaluation. 1986
Investigating the Fate of Dyes in the Environment. 1988
Investigating the Fate of Dyes in the Environment. 1988
Investigation of a new phosphate removal process. 1970
Iron in Surface and Subsurface Waters, Grizzly Bar, Southeastern Alaska. 1972
Isolation of hayfever antigens from short ragweed pollen / 1974
Kinetics and Mechanism of Precipitation and Nature of the Precipitatie Obtained in Phosphate Removal from Waste Water Using Aluminum (III) and Iron (III) Salts. 1970
Kinetics of precipitation 1964
Leather tannery waste management through process change, reuse and pretreatment. / 1977
Lime Precipitation in Municipal Wastewaters. 1970
Lime use in wastewater treatment : design and cost data / 1975
Local source impact on wet deposition / 1986
Magnesium carbonate : a recycled coagulant for water treatment / 1971
Management of metal-finishing sludge / 1977
Manual : ground-water and leachate treatment systems / 1995
Manual of analytical quality control for pesticides and related compounds in human and environmental samples : a compendium of systematic procedures designed to assist in the prevention and control of analytical problems / 1976
Manual of practice for wastewater neutralization and precipitation {microform} / 1981
Mechanisms of Formation and Composition of Photochemical Aerosols. 1973
Mercury pollution control in stream and lake sediments 1972
Mercury recovery from contaminated waste water and sludges / 1974
Metal Recovery/Removal Using Non-Electrolytic Metal Recovery. 1990
Metal value recovery from metal hydroxide sludges : removal of iron and recovery of chromium / 1988
Metallic recovery from waste waters utilizing cementation / 1974
Methods to treat, control and monitor spilled hazardous materials / 1975
Microbiological Characterization of Activated Sludge in a Wastewater Treatment Plant Chemically Modified for Phosphorous Removal. 1971
Mobile Pilot Plant for Removal of Phosphate from Wastewaters by Adsorption on Alumina. 1970
Modification of methods 9030 and 9031 for the analysis of sulfide by specific ion electrode / 1990
Movement of Phosphorus in Soil. 1984
National stream survey, Phase I : quality assurance report. 1988
Neutradesulfating Treatment Process for Acid Mine Drainage. 1971
New Approach for Water Reclamation--Complete Treatment of Waste Water by Physico-Chemical Processes. 1972
Nitrate in precipitation : a presentation of data from the European Air Chemistry Network (EACN) 1985
Nitrogen Saturation in Northern Forest Ecosystems: Excess Nitrogen from Fossil Fuel Combustion May Stress the Biosphere. 1989
Nutrient inactivation as a lake restoration procedure : laboratory investigations / 1974
Nutrient Removal from Wastewater by Physical-Chemical Processes. 1971
On the variability of rainwater composition and errors in estimates of areal wet deposition. 1975
Operations and maintenance manual for precipitation chemistry measurement systems / 1982
Overview of Metals Recovery Technologies for Hazardous Wastes. 1990
Particulate control highlights : research on electrostatic precipitator technology / 1977
Phosphate precipitation with ferrous iron / 1971
Phosphate Removal from Waste Waters Using Lanthanum Precipitation. 1970
Phosphate removal in an activated sludge facility / 1974
Phosphate Study at the Baltimore Back River Waste-water Treatment Plant. 1970
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